Date men from United States / Alaska / Glennallen, 49 year old

Date single man from Alaska, United States. Good Things: Dogs, mangos, season changes, tamales, Atticus Finch, giggling, big bold red wines, the heft of a good book, fishing, aircraft, finding cash in a jacket pocket, clean sheets, red meat, music, international travel, restful slumber, cheese, perseverance, old friends, college football, Thai food, PBS and NPR, children, damp-eyed smiles, baseball AT the ballpark, avocados, bread, weary evenings after fulfilling days, trust, the occasional cat, eating cross-legged on the floor, back roads, mules ( foolin), warm house shoes, Coen brothers, wildlife, shorts and sandals, remembering lost family members, Frontline (the PBS show...not the flea and tick control product...though I'm sure it's a fine product), riding the learning curve, giving, knowing at a moment in time you're exactly where you're meant to be, seaside restaurants, museums, worn jeans, Rushmore (The movie not the Dakotan tourist attraction. The movie has music and laughs....not that four giant granite heads on the side of a mountain isn't sorta funny), kayaks and canoes, a good hat, wood, soft pin-point landings, workout highs, hammocks, some vocal accents, a handy bandana, boots with great ankle support, rivers, dark beer, vegetable gardens, dependable rain gear, road-less expanses, caring...
Bad Things: Cable "news", absolutists, some vocal accents, evolution deniers, corporate food, award shows, twitter, ear hair, discovering a rancid peanut in mid-chew, paper cuts....enough of that.
Let's concentrate on the good things.