Date men and women from United States / Alaska / Hope, 38 year old

Date men and women from Hope, United States. I'm looking for someone that would like to spend alot of time with me and do things we both like to do together.And make each other laugh and if I needed someone to talk to or even needed a shoulder to cry on.To have someone to cuddle up to at nights and love to try new things exciting and always will have fun.

Meet people from Hope, United States. My friends would decribe me as a very understanding person and very helpful.The things that make me smile is to see other people happy and enjoying life.The most thing that I'm proud of is my son.The person I am hoping to attracted is very out going and loves the out doors and loves country music.

Date a soulmate from Hope, United States. Well I'm perfect! That's all you need to know. I'm perfect, that's all you need to know! I'm perfect, that's all you need to know! Still got more characters to get to 200. So here are some more. And some more! And just a few more!

Meet someone special from Hope, United States. Just ask me and I may tell u ok lol. I have a 6y old son with me he is my life he got to like u too lol he looks like me lol I love wwe he like them to I love Chevrolet suv and trucks and Dodge to lol

Date a man from Hope, United States. not tooting my horn or anything, but i think im a pretty good catch. im looking for the woman that can catch me! Which, is strong, pretty, Sexy, SMART, reasonable....uh...confident yet insecure....idk... impossible to find