Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. Retired teacher who still works part-time, but likes to travel. Would love to meet a male who has or would consider purchasing a motor home. Also, I am an artist and I like to take a lot of photos for subject matter to use in my paintings.
I like to go out to eat occasionally and dancing to Country-Western music (Western 2-step). It is difficulty to find a dance partner who knows the true CW 2-step. If you are that person and have the same interest as myself, then send me an email. We might "click" or we might not.
Also, I was born and raised a country girl who like antiques and a traditional style of living.
Other than art, I like to cook by traditional recipes, and I am in the process of compiling a cook book with very old recipes.
My health is relative good and I like to stay active.