Date people from Anchor Point, United States. As "Dylan" sang; " doesn't take a weather-man to know which way the wind is blowing..," is about how my lifestyle operates in these last days. If you are uncertain, check out Revelation/prophecies in the holy western Christian bible, the Mayan calendar/prophecies, the origional "Genesis" as cuniformed by the Summerians,(Trans. into Eng.), the astro-physics comprehension of SOLAR CYCLE 23/24, the hyper-dimensional physics discovered by R.C.Hoagland,(Recipient of the Angstrom Medal for decoding the encoding of the monuments on Mars).., the enviro-degradation, the social/political/economic implosion, and then, you'll have a glimpse into my lifestlye. For that, I, and a few others, seem normal, and unfortunately, the rest of the uninformed masses of stem/reptilian/mammalian brained humants are in harm's way big time. At the very least, some of us have a fairly good time at connecting with 'like' people to manage a future into and after the "shift". Meanwhile, one must also manage day to day affairs, (which is all that most accomplish, often falling into the chasing after the dollar god). I am looking for a "THIN" good woman who can meet/interface with me on all levels. I.e., chemistry, pair-share-help mate/bonds..,spiritual/soulful/mentally on the same wavelength, (Surf's up!!) More later if you "grok" any of this and wish to share/learn more. P.s. I am in Alaska..,in order to avoid the rush! L.L.M., reach me! Looking for a woman that can go beyond her own conditioning to participate in an adventure that is coming at us all..,ready or not!(Better Prepared, eh?) [[[NOT THIN Equals NO REPLY.., NO PHOTO--Equals NO REPLY]]] You will have to be able to carry your weight, i.e., no wussies!!!! (There may come a time where you would uncomplainingly carry a back-pack and rifle, due to geo-physical, or geo-political reasons). Must not faint at the sight of a hammer, saw, wrench, grease, fish, moose, bear, (guts thereof), aliens, demons, bad people, and mad dogs. Best wishes to all:)