Date men and women from United States / Alabama / Weaver, 69 year old

Date someone special from Weaver, United States. Gotta keep busy and keep on "a moving" sort of guy who continues to try new things.. took up gardening and liked it... wrote a cook book and printed over 50 copies to distributed to relatives and their children to pass on the history of the family, wood working to build replicas of Shaker Furniture, like to drive to see the world (mountains, beaches, etc.)... Always carry a book to read in case I have to kill time.. Don't like persons that use bad language around children and women (ol'fashioned that way). I kinda take things as they are & sort of kick back in attitude.
An ideal match would be someone that has diverse interests, has a carring attitude, smart/intelligent, likes kids, pets, good restaurants, drives in the country, can be a good buddy/friend, dependable, fun loving.