Date young girl from United States. It's really hard for me to take filling one of these out very seriously, but since it's required I will give it a try. Well, I'm nineteen years old, and I am still in the midst of figuring out exactly what I want to do with my life. As far as a career goes, I'm not quite there yet. I'm kind of taking my time and living life to the fullest in the mean time. I love to laugh. If you can make me laugh, I will automatically like you! I am an only child and my parents have been divorced since I was younger, but I love and respect my step parents greatly. I have a little half brother who I absolutely adore. I was homeschooled through elementary school, and was probably a little spoiled, which I jokingly blame for any unusual traits I may have. My childhood was great, though. And luckily I think the biggest impact of my early education was advanced intelligence. Haha. My favorite seasons are summer and fall. I love hiking, music, and spontaneity. I'm looking for someone to be my best friend and hopefully a true love. I used to be into sweet and romantic ideals, but I believe I have learned a few lessons along the way that will hopefully make my next relationship very fulfilling! I believe that genuine trust, as well as lust, will be the two most important qualities to find in a man. Oh yeah, and I love to travel. As much as I dislike change in the moment, my life has had a good share of it, so changing my surroundings frequently has become my default mode. If you like coffee and thai food, we will likely get along great. I would also like to meet someone with interesting perspectives on spirituality. I was raised half Jewish, half Methodist, but over the years I have developed many out of the box ideas on religion in a more liberal direction. It would be important to find someone who is open to discussion. The most important thing, however, will be the chemistry, which will not necessarily be determined over this attempt at a self description.