Date men from United States / Alabama / Greenville, 65 year old

Date single man from Greenville, United States. I am a bit on the shy side till I get to know people, I dont say much in public , I like to be with a girl to spend time doing what ever we feel like doing together. I dont read much, I like movies on tv ncis, swamp people, collage football ,nascar riding my motorcycle.

Meet a man from Greenville, United States. Everyone makes choices, daily, of who, how, what they will be, and what they will do. Most simply accept prescribed familial/societal/economic roles, unaware of their options. These choices necessarily preclude alternatives, and thus entail some loss; they have consequences, often ignored or denied. Everyone follows attitudinal, behavioral and belief patterns daily, usually determined by familial/societal scripts; again, most are unaware of their options, and again, there are consequences, and denial. Everyone has a highly detailed and highly individualized genetically-based predisposition re. their physical, mental, emotional, and creative capacities, often at odds with simplistic familial/societal/economic choices and belief structures, and often unrealized. Most people spend most of their lives doing things and believing things at odds with their natural selves. And most people involved in new relationships project like crazy, driven by fantasy constructs, superimposing idealized desirable traits, irrespective of reality, resulting in myriad conflicts. Best to know someone for who they really are.
I’m a Man, o.k. looks and health, simple and casual life, pretty intelligent, individualized, creative, communicative, appropriately cynical, serious, silly, funny, pragmatic, playful, romantic. Opposed (sometimes passionately) to legal (alcohol, tobacco, etc.) and illegal drugs; chemical, psychological and behavioral addictions; organized (and disorganized) religion and its myriad surrogates; intellectual laziness, and the 7 Deadly Sins. Tolerant of (and an example of) some disorganization and underachievement. Seeking some degree of connection with a woman who is equivalent, who understands the value, and cost, of individuality. I'm verbal/philosophical/intellectual but not academic, casually and playfully but determinedly independent and generally non-(NOT anti-)social. An enthusiastic atheist, childless by choice, and pretty damn'd opinionated, as you may guess.....