Date men from United States / Colorado / Sedalia, 20 year old

Date a boy from Sedalia, United States. i want a girl that i can have fun with can cuddle with and wants to go with me and do sstuff i want a girl that wont cheat and that likes me for who i am no matter what i want someone who can make me happy and i can be myself

Meet someone special from Sedalia, United States. I am shy, unless im on a computer or writing to you. My shyness often gets in the way of me talking to new people. When I make a decision I stick to it, and my mind is harder to change than it is to "get a camel through the eye of a needle." I enjoy things other people call "stupid", like old-school dungeons and dragons. Im a nerd (the last comment probably made that much obvious), and I enjoy intelligent conversation. I love dark colors (and red and silver), but most especially black (and red and silver).
Some people call me a "silvertongue" but I think you have to TRY to be one, and I just kind of talk. I like it when a woman will let me cuddle and be the submissive one, but i also like being the dominant one on occasions... I like people to be open with me, and I would ALWAYS prefer a painful truth to a comforting lie.
Im looking for someone who will let me be me, and who isnt afraid to fight to keep me around. Someone who will go through Hell and come back for me, if they decide im worth it to them. Im looking for someone I can give my heart to. If you can get past me being absolutly insane then maybe you can be that person. Maybe, at some point, I'll have someone other than me to care about. Maybe you.
Unfortunately I'm broke, and so I dont have enough to "subscribe" and so I cant talk to any of you.