Date men from United States / Colorado / Parachute, 34 year old

Date single man from United States. I'm pretty laid back with a smart-asstic side - yeah, I said that - and I find it pretty easy to get along with people. In fact, I can't think of anyone I haven't been able to mesh with at some point. What's the point of being a sourpuss?
Grew up loving sports and still do (hence, the screen name mirrored after a QB's signal call), though my childhood dream of playing baseball for the St. Louis Cardinals is long gone. Now I find myself humming random college fight songs to myself when the radio in my delivery truck doesn't work (sad, but true). I'm also a freelance sports writer (did that full time for a decade), and I consider that more of a hobby and past time than a second job.
I'm also someone who fully intends on finishing anything I start. I'm also a very loyal and trusting person ... I like to put my faith in the goodness of people around me. I love knowing that something I've done has made a difference in someone's life, and I strive to achieve that whenever I can. And when someone shows me kindness or generosity, I do everything in my power to return the favor two-fold. It's the least I can do.
As for my likes and and interests, I kind of touched on that a little already: sports, adventures, travel, all kinds of music, etc. And even though I get a pretty good workout every day at work, I'll find energy afterward if I have someone to look forward to seeing.
Other likes: A great smile, intelligence, a sense of humor and a great attitude are all key components. Above all, however, I'm looking for a good friend and, maybe, someone who I can share my life with somewhere down the road. If someone treats me well, the favor will definitely be returned.
Any of this sound like you? If so, come say hi. I'll look forward to when you do! : )