Date men from United States / Colorado / Ordway, 49 year old

Date a soulmate from Colorado, United States. OK, caveat up front, these pics make me look like a redneck, but in point of fact, I'm a redneck turned investment banker (no kidding, Wall Street and Connecticut) turned back into redneck. So please, women interested in guys that don't understand IRR, need not apply.
I hate to admit it, but I'm not really sure what I'm looking for. Just ended a long term relationship, and feeling a little gun shy right now. I do know I enjoy the company of an attractive intelligent woman.
I'm 6'0" and 150. I wear 30x36 jeans, and am good looking enough that I attract attention, but I'm not heart throb material. I tend to be attracted to taller, more slender women, and yes, there has to be physical attraction. No photos=no response.
I'm not into games or drama, and won't tolerate either. Also, anyone on meds, or in need of them, need not contact me. I'm including severe or terminal PMS in this area. I REQUIRE intelligent conversation, but don't equate intelligence to education. I like to dance, have been known to sing to my dancing partner, but that's only when I've had a little too much. Am not really into the club scene. Much prefer hole in the wall dives.
I'm emotionally and financially secure and require the same. You don't have to be rich, but also can't be borderline homeless. Over emphasis on materialism is also bad. If you're more interested in the return policy on the baby furniture than you are the baby, I'm not interested, and yes, this did happen. I love kids. I love to laugh, and try to look at the humorous aspects of life. I strive to look at the positive aspects of any situation, but as a farmer, I plan for the worst (crop insurance) and hope for the best (good yield, good price). I appreciate a good joke, and someone that can tell it well.
I love to cook and can appreciate good food when dining out, however, my favorite meal is meatloaf, mashed potatos, brown gravy over both, and green beans. I like to travel, and did quite a bit in my former life. Have been to Sweden, England, Italy (Forence, the Amalfi Coast, Siena are awesome!), Australia (great people!), plus I've been in 48 states in our country, I'm missing Oregon and Alaska, and intend on seeing them someday. Been to the Carribean, no interest in Mexico.
I've been told that "I give good email", but am sometimes criticized for being a little short on the phone. I carry two guns in my truck, one for prairie dogs and one for rattlesnakes. Guess that loses me the PETA members.
If you have hangups regarding physical contact and/or are not into snuggling, we're not meant for each other.
I'm old fashioned, I open doors and pick up the tab. I don't expect anything in return. I'm monogamous, and I DO require this in return. I've dated seven women in nine years since my divorce, and if this makes me a "player", then you decide. Also, I don't think this makes me a "serial dater".
I'm not perfect and don't expect my match to be perfect. I'm looking for someone that I'm attracted to, that I enjoy spending time with, that I can talk to, etc., etc., etc.
There are ups and downs in any relationship. If we can't agree to disagree without getting mad, I'm not interested.
Finally, after looking at A LOT of profiles, I believe there's a lot of stupid men in this world. As to why I'm divorced and not married, that's something I'm willing to talk about, but only with a LOT of time and alcohol involved.
If you like what you see, please feel free to drop me a line. OK, I'm egotistical enough that I like to get winks. I don't think you're forward if you do that. I can see if you look at my profile, unless you're hiding your portrait, and if you're interested, I'd like to know. I'm not clairvoyant.