Date single man from Leadville, United States. Infininate possibilties? Seems like most of you are looking for somebody to 'make' you something, regardless if you are not saying, complete, be real.
there are so many beautiful women on here, ya'll are breakin my heart, that have been here for as long as I have, it is a crying shame... you choose to not love, even a friend. do any of you know what one really is?
or choose to love those incapable of reciprocation.
what in the world are you really looking for?
wanna get political, wanna get religious, wanna have a friendly conversation???
I am what the majority say they are looking for, but have yet to meet/see anybody here besides a nutjob.
yes, you all have been entertaining, but I want something more tangible.
Is there a woman out there honest with herself, not looking for someone to 'make' them something/anything???
do you believe in love at first sight... do you long for a true love, not some BS fantasy that is propagated on the TV set/childhood fantasies?
I aint rich, I am not the best lookin, but FU if I aint even worth a hello.
I think this should be called
yet, half of you cant even get that lit.
dang, if you all look at yourselves once in a blue moon, you would not need 'someone to make you laugh', we are either our own greatest curse, or source of humor....
you can actually pick that.