Date men from United States / Colorado / Greenwood Village, 44 year old

Date single man from United States. Talking about yourself...the ultimate match challenge. Say too much, you come off as arrogant Neanderthal. If you don't say can't let a woman know that you are not a financially unstable, lazy, cheating Neanderthal (which I am most definitely not)! :) Here goes...let me know if I avoid the Neanderthal pitfall!
I am currently separated, and totally understand if that is a deal-breaker. I promise that I carry little emotional baggage from my previous relationship, and that there is little drama at this point.
I have 3 wonderful kids, 2 in college, and one in HS. My oldest 2 daughters are wonderful, and my son and I really enjoy our time together (50/50 time split). However, they are grown/soon to be leaving the nest, and I am looking forward to the next stage in life!
I am a very passionate man...always excited about a new idea or plan. I am also giving by nature, and love to help those who are in need. I am a conceptual thinker, and always like to play devils advocate to understand the complexities of any situation. I work in the software world in technical sales...basically a geek with a personality. :) Although I am passionate by nature, I tend to not get fixated on any one thing...I am a big believer in a balanced life.
I am conservative by background, but am well traveled/have a large world view. I appreciate many views and opinions on a variety of topics, and love to be intellectually challenged. I fall in love with a woman's mind, and realized long ago that passionate love goes hand in hand with a physical, intellectual, and spiritual connection.
The best way to describe my ideal partner is that she is classy, smart, stable, and passionate. She exudes class and strength, and yet is caring and protective of me, her children, and her family.
I can’t wait to hear from getting winks and/or emails, so please don’t be shy.