Date men from United States / Colorado / Greeley, 48 year old

Date a soulmate from Colorado, United States. Well I'm actually doing this!.. and I know you're out there somewhere.You know who YOU are.You're the One who makes me Smile.The One who makes me Think of you throughout the Day. The One who Rocks My World.I'm a Very Passsionate and Romantic Guy. I'd Love to Share moments with You.Maybe we could Cuddle and Talk or Sit outside and have a drink, enjoy the air and each other.Go on an Adventure
and it wouldn't matter where we were as long as We Are Together! I guess what I'm saying is that I 'm missing that Certain Someone who makes me feel even More Alive! Someone who Appreciates me and what I do for them. someone who Knows how to Treat a Man and can Communicate Not hold in feelings until they Explode...I Love doing things for and Pampering You.You Know Who You Are.You're out there Waiting.Waiting for Me to remind You Just How SPECIAL YOU ARE!How Important and Strong You Are! How Much I Need YOU!....... About Me?..Well I grew up on a Quarterhorse Ranch and Farm,hanging out at the Lake and River until after college then I was outta there! I'm Not one of those Hardcore cowboys who wears 'Stranglers'(the tight fitting Wranglers)...I like Levi's,ect...I'm Not even a Cowboy,Just an Outdoor and 'Regular'Guy...Anyway after college I Headed to Colorado.What a Change! I still have my Small Town Roots and Values,ect.. though.I Still go Home now and then.I'm pretty Low maintenance in most areas,all the good ones...Very Affectionate,Loyal,Passionate,Fun Loving,Adventurous,Handy and Creative just to name a few.I love Art(Drawing,Painting,Sculpting-Creating). I love 'Traditional Archery' not this 'newfangled'(is that even a word) imitation,commercialized Archery they sell you these days.I love the Outdoors and all it's creatures..People who are Real.I Don't need a lot of friends but a Few Good Ones is Nice...My Family is Great and I believe you should be there for each other....I could go On and On but We have to leave some things to be discovered right?!.and I'm sounding so cliche' for this type of thing cause I've never done this before so Maybe You will give Me a Chance... ..You?oh-well Suprise Me! = o ) I Can't Wait!

Meet someone special from Colorado, United States. plays well with others but outspoken but still caring yet not a pushover likes to have fun and laugh sometimes a pain in the rear but always means well fun boring loud quiet all emotions intact likes watching all types of movies other than depressing ones always remain positive

Date a man from Colorado, United States. I'm a 46 year old widower from Greeley &  I work most of the time and have very little time to find a wonderful friend. I love to hunt, fish , watch sports rodeo, football (NFL& college) work on cars and trucks, love to cook with or for someone-great on the grill. I love family, friends and animals. Love to play cards, boardgames or watch a good movie. I like who I am and I am looking for someone who knows who they are and likes themselves. I would love to have someone to hang out with. I have my own house, vehicle and life...just want to share it with someone. Is this you?

Meet single man from Colorado, United States. New to this, I will have to think about this for a bit. It is never easy to talk about yourself when you concern yourself with others all your life. I will have to give this some serious thought, want to come across in words the closest I can to who I really am.

Date a soulmate from United States. I try to live a simple life. No drama and no complications. "Life is not that complicated". I love to see those older couples who realize this and enjoy all the great and simple things in life. That's what I'm looking for. How bout you?

Meet someone special from United States. About Me: well you can plan on some comedy. You can plan on a thumbwar challenge or surprise attack with a kitchen implement like Bill Murray in Stripes. You can expect to be spoiled slightly beyond what I should spend, and you'll like it. If that 1000-yard stare comes across my face, I'm thinking of you. If the 10,000 yard stare comes across, wake me up, I'm functionally asleep. I will MAKE you read poetry and also read tiny bits of the Bible if you'll indulge an in-depth conversation about it. A one-girl guy, and will never oogle some other woman if we are a thing - you are quite amazing enough. I am willing to PAUSE life for random acts of kindness from God, man or natural awe. Also, I will never cease to be fascinated by you...and will tell you the amazing things I see in you, and Grace in you. I think life is precious and usually put spiders out rather than smash them, unless they look at me with those beady little 8 eyeballs and start lunging or taunting my guests with spider gang signs. I like a few movies like: CANNERY ROW with Winger and Nolte, YOU'VE GOT MAIL with Ryan and Hanks, LIFE OF BRIAN by Monty Python and WHERE EAGLES DARE for the classic war movie. 3D Star Wars was fun too, especially during Aniken's pod racing - sit in the center of the theater though for full effect. Been busy, sorry to not be online much. I wil try to do balancing, unconsciously. If you never clean, I will, to make up for it, etc. Honestly, there is enough to experience in life to live 200 years - maybe my pleasures are too simple? Aack! Spider!...
Someone said I could go on a date though, if I could just remember what a 'date' was.... Not a dried plum? Oh.

Date a man from United States. I love yto travel tropical islands are my favorite I have dogs and 3 kids ages 21,18,14 I love to laugh
I like movies and concerts I havent dated in 17 years so I will be learning that again I am alot of fun

Meet single man from United States. sincere,honest,fun loving man who detests phonies and dishonesty,if this is you,PLEASE,don't waste our time.I am worldly,prior military,and have seen much of our country and others.I am most happy when I'm doing things with someone I care for,even when it may not be something I would chose to do.My reward is seeing their happiness and learning something new.

Date a soulmate from Greeley, United States. I am a hard working man that enjoys playing hard. I like to go out and have fun and spend time with friends and family. Looking for the love of my life. I want to enjoy life with this person and see where it leads to.

Meet someone special from Greeley, United States. I want to be a good and kind person. I want to accomplish certain things in my life, like traveling abroad often and having a family. To reach my goals, I am a hardworker even if I just want to be lazy. I also tend to be a perfectionist sometimes. I want to find someone who can love me and accept my faults, while encouraging me to be only my best. After all, I just want to laugh and have a good life, right?

Date a man from Greeley, United States. hi im a workaholic that work all the time . play my life hard. just liveing life the way i like it. dont now what im looking for just some one to have fun with and likes what they like neat to try diffrent things.

Meet single man from Greeley, United States. Hey there ! Im 46 going on 36 ya i wish . I was married for 20 yrs divorced the last 3 so the dating thing is still new . I am looking for that number one Girl to be in my life again to share everything with . Im fairly easy going ,very honest , loyal & hard working . Im into riding motorcycles ,traveling or doing something new . If your looking for happiness and dont play games then give me a try and see if we click. Thanks