Date men from United States / Colorado / Golden, 29 year old

Date a guy from Colorado, United States. I am originally from Colorado and I love it here. My latest passion has become mountain biking. It is a blast to explore new trails and challenge yourself on the bike, and there is such a great community of people around it, and it is such a rush. I spend most of my free time being active outdoors, but also like to watch movies and find fun culturalish things to do around town like jazz in the park, museums, art stuff, and such. I love exploring new things, new places, new food, the sky is the limit. I am a very open minded person. And that is one of the most important things to me to find in a partner. I try to live a balanced life and stay busy yet keep everything in check, although this always proves hard to do, and I hope to have a partner that tries to do the same. I grew up skiing and just recently bought some AT gear to start getting into the backcountry, that has been a blast. I also like to snowshoe and have started cross country skiing so there are always options when the weather or snow gets bad! My longtime favorite activity has been hiking and climbing mountains, this is something I can always count on to enjoy no matter what. I have traveled in Europe and have a huge desire to explore more of the world. Top on the list are Japan, Spain, and New Zealand. I really enjoy getting immersed in a different culture and finding out what makes it tic. I can be kinda goofy and I like to laugh at myself and goof around with friends. I don't take life very seriously, always able to laugh at anything in most situations and make the best of it. My friends describe me as someone they can count on and a good listener, and relationships I have with people are very important to me. I tend to be a little shy at first, but open up when I get to know someone. I think I'm funny, and other people seem to think so, but who knows if you would? I love listening to music and checking out different kinds of music, couldn't live without it. I have also been known to get some moves going on the dance floor once in while, watch out for this, it is fairly dangerous. I live in Golden to be closer to trails and the hills, but work in downtown Denver. I have a good job that I like most days, and it does not tie me down or take me away out of town that often at all, which is the best part. I enjoy cooking with other people and trying new recipes, although I don't cook much for myself unless it is something I can have as leftovers for a few days. I am dairy free and an transitioning to being gluten free. I have found they both affect my health a ton and although hard to do, it has been worth it. I am learning how to garden this summer and trying to see if I could ever feed myself from it, it has been interesting, mildly successful so I will try again I think.
As a start, I am looking for someone I feel comfortable around and have a connection with to build on. I hope that my partner and I share some interests and activities as it is important to me to spend time together experiencing some of the things we like. I'm not necessarily looking for someone that is as active as I am or anything like that, but as long as you like to get outside and do something that we can do together, we will get along! In the long run, I am looking for someone to be a partner in life to explore the challenges and rewards of life and love, and to enjoy and embrace everything the world offers.
Some random things I like: chocolate (love), sunset, mountains, new trails, playing the drums, new places, Springsteen, String Cheese Incident, putting your feet in streams after a hike or ride, fresh snow, watching people learn things, teaching people things, watching people dance, burritos, pasta, sushi, sleeping in a tent, historical fiction
Some things I don't like so much: tailgaters, olives, ....I'll think of more
I would love to get to know you more if you are interested....

Meet a soulmate from Colorado, United States. Hi, my name is Trevor. Thanks for stopping by and finding out about me.
A little bit about me:
I have an excellent family, to include a fairly large extended family.
I have an outstanding memory which often produces a wealth of useless knowledge and at times can be a bit socially awkward. Forgive me if I know a few bands and stories that were before my time.
I spent eight years in the Army Reserves and was released in April 2010 (I say released because I was more than happy to leave with a soul and a few references intact.) That same year I graduated from the University of Wyoming with a degree in International Studies.
Currently, I am spending most of my free time in the library working on my TEFL certificate (Teaching English as a Foreign Language.) I have to go to the library so that I don’t lose focus.
I want to teach somewhere in Asia for a year or so. It is one of those things that if I don’t do now, I probably won’t do it all, and that would be something I most likely would regret.
My family jokes with me that I might make an excellent wife someday, I am always messing with something in the kitchen.
I am a consummate observer. Sometimes I feel a little selfish because I absorb more information than I put out.
I write drunk, and sometimes forget to polish sober.
I am a big fan of the saying, “you don’t learn anything by doing things right.” I feel that I have learned a lot, but I am ready to do things right the first time now.
I am a native and an avid Bronco fan. I am so happy to have Manning as our quarterback. As much as I enjoyed Tebow surprising me with miracle like wins, I don’t think he was the answer the Broncos needed.
I recently watched 'Into the Wild' and felt it was one of the most inspiring movies that I have ever seen.
May require a bit of social lubrication before I can share anything beyond initial conversation.
What I am looking for:
I am looking for someone who is open and honest. She may share my sense humor, which at times can be subtle, dry, and sarcastic, but be inappropriate at appropriate times.
A big heart.
I would be pleased with simplicity. Life is full of complex mysteries. A relationship may never be as easy as connect the dots, however, one’s needs and wants should not always remain a mystery.
I often wish dating came with report cards, it would be helpful in combating the most common and often unrecognized mistakes. I find being witty very attractive, someone who can view the world for what it is, not focus on the small things, but universal aspects that make life worth living.