Date men from United States / Colorado / Frisco, 54 year old

Date a soulmate from United States. I am back in Australia now after 5 months traveling the Us,mainly skiing.I have a few things to tidy up on this side of the world before returning to America before the end of the year.Am actually looking to move on a semi permanent basis as i still have business interests in Oz.l love the Denver area and am dying to spend some summertime there as well as winter.Am passionate about skiing and ski every day when in US.l would like to meet someone who is fiinancially secure ,as l am to allow for travel when ever the mood takes us.Thats another of my passions,travel.Have been lucky enough to have traveled quite extensively,but lets be honest,no matter how many places you visit theres always ten more places you could have gone to instead.Therefore travel is something that will never end .l would like to meet someone who is adventurous and in good physical shape.You don't necessarily have to be a gym junky but you have to have the stamina togo for hikes and long days of skiing.l had a good marriage which sadly ended, but we have both moved on.Ihave four grown up children.we both agreed to end the marriage as we were just going through the motions towards the end.We are good friends and business partners.You can't flush your previous relationships down the toilet,its part of what makes you who you are.That said we can't constantly dwell in the past,so lm looking firmly to the future and anticipating what it may hold.If anything l have said resonates with you then feel free to get in touch.lm a great believer in anyone making the first move.lf l don't know you exist how am l supposed to get in touch with you,so if you read and like my profile,take the initiative,l will if l read a profile l like.Thanks for taking the time

Meet someone special from United States. Hi, thanks for checking out my profile! I am easy going, caring, honest, reliable, loyal, optimistic and a little bit nutty. I love to spend time with my family. I am always willing to help out my family and friends whenever they are in need.
I have two awesome daughters. Both are in college. They describe me as a funny nerd (who helps them with their HW), an avid skier and Mr fix-it. Well I am an engineer after all!
Playing in the Colorado outdoors is my passion (skiing, riding, trail running, mountain biking, hiking, camping). I also love to travel and explore new places. I had a great time visiting my daughter in Sweden and Germany this past year! Where to go next?
I enjoy movies, cooking, a good red wine and micro-brews, playing with my dog and doing home improvement projects. I love to spend time making/fixing things for my kids. I also enjoy volunteering for engineers without borders. We help third world communities with clean water, sanitation and irrigation. I am planning a trip this summer to Ecuador to work on their irrigation system.
I have a full and happy life and am content with being on my own, but I wouldn't mind finding a special someone to share life, laughter, love and adventure with! I would like a relationship where we can bring the best out in each other.

Date a man from United States. I'm a happy person who is content with my life. I would love to find a friend that i could share the most intimate conversations with, to me that's the thing that is missing in my life... My deseased mother always said "Make good memories of your life because that is all you can take with you!" This discribes me. I enjoy travel ANYWHERE, I am self employed so I do have all kinds of freedom to do this. I'm an avid bike rider - this includes mountain and road. I believe attitude is what counts most in life. I want a true life partner that enjoys being togerther as well as apart. I'm honest and love volenteering. I'm very talented. I can build or fix almost anything construction as well as mechanical.
As for my date, I'm vain, I do want what is considered slender and attractive. If you consider yourself average, need to lose a few, etc., I'm not interested in dating. I know that sounds horrible to some but I'm not interested in wasting my time or yours. I want to be up front with my desires. In the long term personallity has to click but we have to be attracted to each other, I know what I want! Age is not an issue. I have reciently dated someone who is 8 yrs older as well as someone who is quite abit younger. I do look several years younger than I am. I know a lot of guys say that but its true. I am VERY physically active and that contributes to my younger looks and attitude. I fully expect to work into my mid to late 70's, I enjoy what I do. I do not want to make the same mistake I made with my first and only marrage, in that I settled for what I didn't want. I do have 2 WONDERFUL children from that union, and I would not change my past for anything.
I have found out that honesty is a great foundation in a relationships. This site is for people who are looking for a possible mate, so I want to disclose what I want.
Great Hunting!