Date men from United States / Colorado / Estes Park, 39 year old

Date someone special from Colorado, United States. This is going to come across sounding dorky but, here goes. I am very easy going, but outgoing. I can be the life of the party or spectator. I smile all the time even though I have chipmunk cheeks. softie when it comes to my daughter or The elderly. Loyal, faithful, fun. I feel I have a very open mind. I'll do or try anything within reason. I take pride In everything I do, I'm very good at my job. I'll never know enough, self motivated. Lot of timber in my voice. Like to sing along with the radio. Especially Johnny Cash. Very good sence of humor, I'm always out to get a laugh, even at my own expense. Come from family of five. Very family orientated. Being a dad is something I have always wanted, I'm very proud of my little girl. I'm a Midwestern boy, raised in Eastern Iowa. I've been in Estes Park since 1999. Im a good man, with a big heart. I like to think about things before I respond when problems arise. I grew up old school and can fix or do anything. Intelligence to me Is knowing yourself, learning from your experiences comes wisdom! I like the city but I'm a country boy at heart ( not to be confused with hillbilly.. Lol). I'm also a good cook, not just with the grill. Life can be hectic and having someone to share in the melodramitc as well as the fun stuff is really when the true test begins. I have plenty of flaws, I just tend to laugh at them, feel free to give me a hard time.

Meet a soulmate from Colorado, United States. I am new to the area and extremely busy with my job and the demands that come along with it. I am basically looking for a companion that I can explore the area with and if one thing leads to another then great, if not I have not set any expectations. I am passionate about the out doors. I enjoy hiking, climbing, camping, biking, hunting and fishing. I am an arborist by trade. Yes, I am a tree hugger, but not the kind of tree hugger that most people think of. I am more of a naturalist than a hippie. I am very well read and intellectual, and I enjoy good witty conversation. For the most part I am comfortable in my own skin, but have a habit of using witty banter to break up those awkward moments.
For the most part I am very mindful and aware of whats going on around me. I am focused and observant, but not to overly critical. I am openmined to a point, but even as tolerant as I try to be about some things there are still things that I see that just get on my nerves. I am an army vet of 8 years so some habits die hard, but I am constantly working on softening that old hard nosed mind set. I am always up for an adventure and I have a habit of opening my mouth and my butt feels compelled to follow. I may come off cocky and assertive at times but again thats the old army Ranger in me. In reality I am humble and modest. I have traveled the world and it wasnt always to the nicest of places, but it has given me a new attitude and outlook on life and humanity.