Date men from United States / Colorado / Broomfield, 24 year old

Date a soulmate from Broomfield, United States. If you asked my friends, they probably would title me as one of the most interesting, outgoing, and wacky people they have ever met. They would also tell you that underneath all that I'm honest, hard working, and above all loyal. I'm the first one to tell a lame joke or bad pun at the bar and the first one to be there when a friend is in need.
I like to think I am one of those renaissance men, who still believes in chivalry and am a helpless romantic (from small to grand romantic gestures). I like to show the people I care about that I appreciate them. I am often pondering my next great plan, whether it is a surprise party for a friend, a piece of artwork for a family member, or a carefully worded poem (anecdotal at heart) to a girl. I like to wear my heart on my sleeve because I do not see many genuine individuals out there and I want to be the guy you can always count on whether we've been friends for 50 years or a day.
Now you are probably thinking to yourself, "What about this lovely, 'odd-ball's' interests??!?"
I love hearing different people's stories. You'll usually find me talking to or exchanging pleasantries with random strangers trying to find out information about an area, learning who they are and likely making joke or two. I always make the point to introduce myself to new people in a group and find quick ways to get them involved in whatever activity we are doing.
I have grand dreams to continue to travel the world and learn more about the amazing landscapes and cultures that exist now and in the past. Doing everything from the typical touristy stops to the random off the beaten path activities such as alligator wrastlin'.
My hobbies are as wide and diverse as my travel plans such as playing sports (soccer mostly), painting, reading, trying different craft beers, learning, watching movies, playing guitar, wood working, hiking, snowboarding, playing pool, and golfing. But they do not stop there, as stated before I want to be a man who is good with his hands and that can fix and make all kinds of cool stuff. I want to learn how to glass blow, weld, speak a 2nd language (fluently, not just the almost high school thing), and so much more.
I am really looking for a woman who will join me on my adventures and lead me down new paths. Someone who does not always have to play it by the book, that could be spontaneous every once in a while. I respect honesty and integrity above all else and I expect that from a partner. I'm tired of frivolous exchanges and am really looking for a committed quirky lady to share my time with. I take good care of myself and my career is important to me, so I would hope to spend time with a woman with some of the same priorities.
I am very excited at the chance to meet new people and look forward to hearing from you.

Meet a boy from Broomfield, United States. Message me and find out!!! At least, until I get around to filling this out. Wait...200 characters before I can advance?! Preposterous!!! This is an unspeakable outrage. Though I think you'll find I am very sneaky :D

Date a guy from Broomfield, United States. I like to live my life on the edge. I spend my weeknights reading the Harry Potter series, and on the weekends I like to call all my buddies over for what we call Bieber Fest. We party it up in my moms basement with some of Justin's hit singles playing at a respectful volume as to not disturb the neighbors. When we are well behaved,, my mom will usually bake up a batch of cookies for us, which you have to try sometime, she really cooks with love. At the end the night, we like to conclude by watching Never Say Never, and I always end up shedding some tears to which my buddies are always quick to comfort me. Justin is truly a gift from God.
I'm Jack, I'm from Scotland and If you're still reading, then you probably have at least somewhat of a sense of humor, which means there is a good chance we may get along. In case you aren't the sharpest tool in the shed, the entire first paragraph is a lie, I don't read Harry Potter books, I don't live in my mom's basement, and I don't listen to Justin Bieber.

Meet single boy from Broomfield, United States. Enjoying life is priority number one. I am a General Manager for a contract manufacturing company and I love what I do. (Supreme Cable Technology). I enjoy a drink with friends and hanging around the pool. I am not a fan of clubbing. I work out a couple times a week and would like to find time to enjoy a regular hike. When I am passionate about something I put my whole heart into it. I am waiting for a beautiful and fun young woman to laugh and make memories with. Someone who has a direction in her life but is not afraid to fail or try something different. She is self motivated to progress at what she loves to do and able to share our accomplishments together. She can accept a man that will show her how much she means to him day in and day out. Spending nights on the couch watching movies or enjoying nights out, whatever we may do, you will enjoy it with me.

Date someone special from Broomfield, United States. I need someone who can be as big as a geek as me and someone who is affectionate as I am. i like a girl that is confident but most of all I like a girl that I know I can trust with out a second thought.

Meet a soulmate from Colorado, United States. Hello my name is Nick I am a young entrepreneur, graduate of college, & current owner of an Italian/Pizza restaurant. Im from Colorado originally and grew up in southern Colorado most of my life. Recently moved to Northern CO about a year ago & opened up my business. With owning a restaurant comes not a whole lot of free time so I am hoping to be able to find someone who can maybe understand everything that goes into a life in the industry but has the ability to pull me away from it all & offer that peace of mind that we all seem to be in search of.
I'm a sports fanatic & ; enjoy going to sporting events and I am I'm love with the game of basketball that has been my passion since I was a child so I would say that any significant other needs to be definitely into sports at least somewhat. I also enjoy a variety of different music including live music. I'm typically easy-going and really fun and energetic and look forward to meeting someone who brings the same love for life & brightness into people's lives.
I've also gone through some great tragedy a few years ago in my life and it has put a lot into perspective so I'm also looking for someone who's able to realize the delicate balancing life and cherish the moments in between!!
I'm a dedicated and true person and I will love a person for who they really are and looking forward to finding someone who can do the same. I go hat for my significant other & there isn't anything that I wouldn't do for you when your worth it! =] so all in all I know what I speak of might be a long shot sort of like wishing upon a star but like I say, the stars are there for a reason.. For us to reach them Looking forward to meeting whoever you are!! =]

Date a boy from Colorado, United States. Well im Adam, im from northern wi and grew up in the midwest. I have a ton of good friends and family there that I miss dearly but its time for me to turn over the page on a new chapter of my life. I would have to say im a very laid back person who doesnt like to overthink things. I love the outdoors but hate the extreme cold. I like pretty much all pets but I have to warn you I am a proud dog owner and u have to like my puppy in order for there to be any chance of it working out between us. im not huge into bar scenes or all night parties anymore. I mean dont get me wrong it can be great but there is a time and a place for all of that. I try to stay active year round and having a dog makes it that much easier to put those jogging shoes and get out the door. also honestly I dont really think I have a type so just drop me a msg and I would love to get to know you a little better. thanks for reading and I hope to hear from you soon!

Meet a guy from Colorado, United States. My names Ryan. I'm 23 years old and I live in Broomfield. I grew up here in Colorado but I was born In Hawaii. I like being around friends and family, seeing and experiencing new things, and enjoying life. I'm kind hearted, honest, and easy going. I love a good laugh and have a good sense of humor. I'm assertive and like to be optimistic about life. I'm a hard worker. I'm goal oriented but I'm also laid back and can go with the flow. I like traveling, sports, and music. I go to Metro State and study biology and I work as an EMT.

Date single boy from Colorado, United States. Im a down to earth guy who's well read, funny, witty and dare I say charming without sounding full of myself. I love to make people laugh and feel comfortable with my irreverent sense of humor, think family guy random. I'm looking for a woman who can can take me on a wild ride of new experiences. Looking for someone who can share in my love for all things horror related, and is intelligent and most of all make me laugh.

Meet someone special from Colorado, United States. I'm not gonna lie, I'm not the most romantic guy out there nor am I the perfect gentleman. Not to say I can't be those things or that I dont try to be b/c I do, but I seriously drop the ball sometimes. :) I am however a very trustworthy, loyal and respectful individual who will make you laugh and give you a reason to smile when skies are grey.
I am an aspiring chef and currently work banquets for a hotel. I work hard to have structure in my life and a sense of purpose. In my free time I like being with my family and mostly enjoy playing with my seven nephews and nieces when they are around.

Date a soulmate from United States. Why ruin the mystery, you want to give me nothing to talk about if we go out???!
Fine... I guess i would describe myself as good company. I will always be happy to join you in whatever you are doing. I would probably enjoy long moonlit walks along the beech, if i ever went to one. Okay i have been to one beach...
I grew up here in the mountains and have stayed. I love snowboarding and the outdoors like most Coloradans.
I need a camera, and since i got stuck paying for 3 months of this service i figure might as well put this space to use:
I am Seeking a digital camera, if you have an old one i would be interested in buying it.
seeking someone to spend some time with.
ill offer up to $100 for the first offer (if its good camera), but i am afraid the later is priceless, or worthless (?) either way. I think i would get in some major trouble if it weren't. Well then...
I am fluent at ordering things in Spanish, and asking how much they cost.
I can also ask where the bathroom is... That's about the depth of my multi-lingual abilities. haha.
Overall I like to hang and laugh and not worry about where things are going too much anymore.
Also i have gotten to be pretty spontaneous as of late, i use thrills to keep sane and fend off loneliness and boredom... so i enjoy spontaneous high speed thrills.
I like street luge (usually around mid night so cars and cops are less likely to mess with you), skateboarding, and going very fast on things that probably should not be going that fast.
Trust me, you get some weird looks when your passing cars on a highway on your long board, or street luge. i just smile and wave, haha..
So if you want to hang out, or if you just plain want to get rid of an old digital camera shoot me an email.

Meet a boy from United States. Currently I am an engineering student at CU. I volunteer here and there to teach children about science. After this semester I should have another semester of school left. It's my dream to eventually work in power or control systems.
I love doing projects. I work on everything from cars to furniture. I have constructed my own book cases and a couple of tables. My current projects all involve light emitting diodes and or my Datsun.
When I really want to relax I take my camera on a walk, go for a drive, or stargaze.
I am really looking for a person that is kind and polite first and foremost. I want find a person I consider to be my best friend. Someone that I can get dirty with camping or working under a car. Someone I can learn from and teach too.