Date men from United States / California / Seiad Valley, 42 year old

Date a man from Seiad Valley, United States. I'm lookin to get out and share some experiences. Too much time is wasted in worrying about what didn't get done today and what might happen tomorrow. Let's get out and enjoy the now:). " You get what you put in & people get what they deserve.Still I ain't seen mine. I've been giving & just ain't getting nothing." I am like the Red Tail Hawk. When looking to the human beside whom Red Hawk flies, this is quite significant, for it indicates that the Red Feathers are not easily given, and must instead be earned over time.
Yet once this fundamental energy unfurls as the Red Tail Feathers emerge, the beauty and depth of Spirit that shines brilliantly forth, will be both inspiration and guidance for Others who may be just beginning, or in the process of, their own awakening.
I have had many a Hawk flying near, for the Hawk will soar beside the Two-Legged whose own gift of vision is exceptionally acute.
I have accepted the gift this Totem, and have been knighted as a Guardian and Protector of the Earth Mother and all her Children. I possess an astute awareness of the interconnectedness of all things, and have an inner reverence for all life.
I am comitted in making the world a better place. I am but one of theprotectors of the Earth, encouraging and educating Others to do the same.
Will you join me?