Date women from United States / California / Santa Monica, 33 year old

Date someone special from Santa Monica, United States. I'm very social and outgoing, dedicated, and loyal. I'm super affectionate and love to give and receive affection. If you can't hold my hand in public or give me a kiss on the forehead you aren't the right person for me. I've accomplished many things that people define as "successful" but over the years have realized more and more that my definition of success is surrounding myself with loving family and friends that I can spend time with. Hopefully sooner than later I will meet the person that will be my best friend and partner in life. I'm looking for a real man--honesty, courage, kindness, humor and intelligence are a must! You need to be social enough to hang with my huge family and group of friends. Ideally a man who loves what he does for a living, but his work does not define him. Someone dedicated to family and looking forward to being a loving husband and father. I'm also looking for someone that ideally has similar interests as me. I love being active and outdoors and I love warm weather. Anything near water, especially the ocean, makes me very happy :) Going for a walk, enjoying a nice glass of wine and having a great conversation with a close friend, or just chilling out and reading a good book or seeing a good movie. I love to travel and really can't get enough of it. I've been to several European countries, Mexico, and Costa Rica and would love to see many more places in the world. I'm fluent in Spanish but would also like to learn another foreign language some day.
I also LOVE baseball and am a big college football fan as well.
I'm looking for someone that is serious about settling down. I'm not looking for someone that is trying to figure out what they want. If you want someone that is educated, dedicated, and family oriented feel free to contact me. I might just be the lady you are looking for !

Meet a soulmate from Santa Monica, United States. I'm looking for someone with whom I can have long talks with, but also have fun and laugh a lot,(warning to you: once I I laugh, I lough out loud!) go to movies (indie, old, new...), farmers market, theaters, museums/ galleries, and travel. I'm looking for someone mature who can laugh but also can be serious, someone open, tolerant, honest and loyal. Ideally you would be looking for a long term, committed relationship with the hope of a future together, but there I go; planning ahead far too fast... I treasure honesty and loyalty, and when I am committed to a partner, I will always live up to my expectations of loyalty and honesty.
More about me...I moved to Santa Monica from New York City (lived there for about 13 years) about a year ago, mostly because I adore the ocean and the climate, but also the more sincere and genuine way of people in general, at least those that I have met here so far.
I'm 33, and I'm a therapist for adolescents in a rehab center, and I love my job. I have almost so many interests that it will be hard to combine them all, and they tend to morph...I'm very open, love the arts, spending time with good friends, I love to travel, meet new people and explore new places. Some of my passions are to paddle board, photography, music, good company, sometimes very deep discussions, and sometimes being like a kid. I love yoga, walking and exploring, biking, and trying new things, when I have time I love to read, and stay updated on current events, and just see what comes my way...
I'm originally from Europe, somewhere between Croatia (father) and Italy(mother), but lived almost in all places around Europe (Switzerland, France, Spain, Italy, Croatia... and went to high school in London before moving to the US.).
At this point in my life I'm most of all looking for a friend; a parter who I can grow with and vice versa, a pattern where I can be just myself and speak my (sometimes sarcastic) mind. I'm generally trying to see the bright side of life, without ignoring the dark, and having faith that something bigger is out there!
Send me a note or your contact and maybe we can meet for coffee or similar?

Date a woman from Santa Monica, United States. Life in Southern California is amazing! Growing up in a tiny village in England, I really appreciate all that it has to offer (climate, beautiful scenery and an abundance of things to do) and feel incredibly lucky to be able to call this place my home. In my spare time, I like to be fairly active including running, hiking, swimming, cycling and I’m just getting into yoga. Last year I did my first half marathon, and this year I’m doing my first sprint triathlon. And I have to admit, I’m a little intimidated at the thought of swimming half a mile in the ocean right now, but I know I can do it :). I’m not a fan of the gym – I’d rather be outdoors, given we live in an area with such a great climate. I do like to relax at home or with friends too.
I like to lead a balanced and varied life. IРІР‚в„ўm very open-minded and enjoy learning about new things. I like music of all kinds including some of the great British imports (Coldplay, Adele, Florence and the Machine), Latin music (Gipsy Kings, Buena Vista Social Club) and even classical and opera. I love dancing to hip hop and top 40 songs (sometimes in my living room when no-one is looking!). I love concerts (Hollywood Bowl and Greek Theater are great). Singing in my car on the way to work is a favorite past-time. Everyone moans about traffic in LA but I donРІР‚в„ўt mind it because I like driving. Being from the UK, I know how to drive stick, although I do have an automatic here, because letРІР‚в„ўs be honest, itРІР‚в„ўs a pain to keep having to step down on the clutch in traffic!
I work in Finance in the entertainment industry (that’s what brought me to LA, of course), which is great because I can use my skills in an industry that fascinates me. I love all types of movies – recently I’ve enjoyed Midnight in Paris, The Descendants and the Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. I like the big blockbusters too (looking forward to Avengers and Dark Knight Rises). The summer is great in LA for the outdoor movie season (picnics and movies = fun!).
I do love to travel and experience new cultures. I lived and worked in France for a year, as French was my major at university (somehow I ended up being an accountant…). I’d love to go back to India – it’s an amazing place – so vibrant. There’s so many countries on my list of places to visit – would love to do South America and Australia.
I feel very thankful to have such a wonderful life here in Los Angeles and recognize that there are many people who are just not so lucky. So I do like to volunteer and I am a mentor to a 15-year-old girl in a "Big Brother, Big Sister" type of program through work.

I am pretty laid back and try to always find the good in people and situations. I am a genuine, down-to-earth, honest, loyal and kind person. If I say I'm going to do something, I do it. I like to have fun and be silly, but IРІР‚в„ўm sensible and serious when itРІР‚в„ўs appropriate (like at work). Finding chemistry with someone is critical for me. Someone who will make me laugh is also key as well as finding someone who is smart and self-aware. I do like my own space and believe that for a relationship to be successful, itРІР‚в„ўs important to have some separate interests in addition to spending time together.
I had a very amicable divorce after 6 years of marriage. I think I was a little young when I got married and we really just changed and grew apart over time. I donРІР‚в„ўt regret the time we spent together. I donРІР‚в„ўt believe in regrets. Everything in life is a learning opportunity: good and bad.

Meet someone special from California, United States. I admire a man who has a great sense of purpose in his life, who really thinks about and acts upon how he can improve his friendships, his community and the world.
I appreciate the unusual man who is authentic, who, by nature, would more readily admit his fears than try to cover them up.
I want to be your harbor at the end of the day, your safe place, your companion, your friend, your lover, your champion, your inspiration to be your best self.
I am a beautiful woman with many gifts to give. I know that there is a high quality man out there - is it you? - who will feel grateful and excited to share my gifts, as I will generously share and celebrate yours if you are the right man. I am committed to communicate in a positive, clear way so that you will brag to your friends that, unlike them, there is no bickering, no secrets, no game-playing at home.
I hope this finds you well. To wrap it up, I know there are great guys out there. If you're one of them send me an email and we'll take it from there.

Date a soulmate from California, United States. A little about me: I absolutely love being in the sky. be it for international travels, skydiving, parasailing or learning to fly a plane!!!
Alright now when I am back on the land:), I like doing yoga, meditation, hiking, running on the beach, dining out, movies, dancing, going to lounges, hanging out with friends and family.
What am I looking for? If you are interested, I can send you the laminated version of the complete list:) Anyways, in a nut shell, we are all superficial beings and mutual chemistry is important. More than anything, I believe success to any healthy relationship is Respect and Communication.
Its important to me that the person I am with has a healthy lifestyle, active and takes care of himself because lets face it..If I like you and want to be with you, I would prefer for you to be around for a long while :))
I love to laugh and so sense of humor is a must. It would be nice to meet someone who shares the passion for travelling and seeing different parts of the world. Also, smart and ambitious men are a turn on. I just want to share my life with a companion who makes me a better person each day and we both help one another find balance in life.

Meet a woman from California, United States. me:
Back living in LA for a second time, this time new and improved with an awesome job and a place on the westside. It wasn't easy to leave my family and friends in SF, but so far feeling great about the new adventure.
I live close to the beach, and I love running or cruising along it, but I am definitely more of a mountain girl. I grew up skiing in Tahoe and hiking the hills of Marin. I'm all for luxury accommodations when they make sense, but I am probably happier out on a long camping trip in the middle of no where (yes, I just went there with the equally happy in flip flops or high heels cliche, but its true).
On the weekends, I usually get at least one long road bike road in, so it would be great to meet someone who enjoyed the same, mostly because I need someone around who can change my tire if needed (sadly, i'm kinda serious).
Ideally you have a career that you care about- I don't think I mesh well with the aspiring actor type (I'm just being honest).
Also, Im usually more attracted to 'guys guys' who like sports- watching and playing them. This comes with only one caveat- please don't ever call me dude. There is nothing less sexy.

Date someone special from United States. I am a native Angeleno, but people are often surprised by this and think I am either from NY or Oregon. The latter because I spent 6-years in the Pacific Northwest, and the former, well, I have my theories! I enjoy the compact life that cities like Santa Monica provide, but I also put effort to get out and take advantage of what LA has to offer. I love the industry (green building and sustainability) that I work in and hope that I have made some positive contribution to making LA a better, healthier place -- it was part of the deal with myself when I left the Northwest and came back to LA.
Friends and family are important to me. I have a great network of friends here and come from a good sized family. I think they would say that I'm generous, fun, compassionate and have a great sense of humor. I can be spontaneous and am willing to try most things out, especially if they are on my bucket list. Checked a few items off of it recently including skydiving, a 200-mile relay race that included running alongside a tree lined highway in the middle of the night with a head lamp, a 1/2 marathon. The last race I did had the bonus of wine tasting at the finish line. I'm thinking scuba is next. And like everyone on the site, I love to travel - for work and for fun. The Middle East is the next trip.
I'm keeping an open mind as so many of my friends have said recently who they found happiness with didn't necessarily have all the qualities, interests or political views that they thought were the go- and no-go items, so shoot me email!

Meet a soulmate from United States. I loath a routine and ordinary life...I dont participate in the rat race and value moments of my life that are spent going against the grain. I might of exaggerated that part about not participating in the rat race...but I adamantly shake my fist at it.
We all have a story...those of us that take the time to listen to those stories are better for it. Taking a good hard look in the mirror and then laughing at yourself never hurt anyone. I like myself the most when I make people laugh at my ridiculousness. Honesty is liberating. I hope humanity goes back to the basic concept that we are all here to help each other. I try to do my part.
I dont think you can learn if you stay in the same place. I thrive in unfamiliar situations, foreign lands, sounds, and tastes. I have to stimulate my mind in order to be happy. Travel, amazing food, and warm company usually do the trick. A nice pour of MacAllan 12 is greatly appreciated.
In a nutshell, Im looking to be inspired and to inspire.

Date a woman from United States. I'm from NY, but I love living in LA and trying all the new restaurants, and all the great things this city has to offer. I'm a huge foodie but also like to keep it healthy, it's all about balance.
I'm extremely well traveled. I've been to 16 countries in Europe, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico. I haven't been to Asia or the Pacific Islands yet, I've also never been to Hawaii, yes, I know, that's a travesty!
The summer is my favorite time of year, I love to be outdoors jogging along the beach, hiking Temescal, or doing the Santa Monica Stairs.
I love my job teaching and working on films, and would like to find someone with a successful career they are passionate about, but of course with enough time to spend with me! :)

. Looking for a happy, witty, athletic man, with better writing skills than me.....
He does not golf, fish or bowl... He is kind, calm and knows his world well.....
I practice martial arts, love running, motorbikes, painting, dogs, coffee, yoga......
I am self employed and very busy doing what I love....
Good Luck to all of you....

. Back out on the dating scene, and still new to California. I'm looking for new friends and I'd like to meet someone I can explore California with.
I have a great job in Sales that I love and it affords me some freedom. On my off hours I can be the woman who hangs at the beach and is casual to getting all dolled up and going out. Being from the east coast I'm also a fan of baseball although I haven't been to too many games out here although I'm up for going out to more! I've been a dancer my whole life so often when I can't find something to do I'll try to find a place to go Swing Dancing. I'm thinking of taking up Salsa just to change it up.
I like going out to dinner with good food, good conversation, good atmosphere, and good wine. I love my family who are back east, I like good movies, plays and music but I still think the 80's classics are good movies so take the other 3 with a grain of salt. My quote on life is a tie between " A smile is a woman's best accessory, sequins are appropriate no matter what the occasion some days simply require a glass of champagne." and "I am in charge of how I feel and today I am choosing Happiness".
Basically I want to enjoy life and I don't think anyone should take themselves too seriously.
What I'm looking for in a partner is simply said in this quote " Never love anybody that treats you like you are ordinary" I think that is the ultimate partnership if both people feel that way. I think in order to get there you really need to spend some time seeing how each other views the world.
I'm looking for someone who challenges me, have a mutual respect, and kindness. All while having a ton of laughs while learning about each other.

. Thanks for visiting!
In my free time, I like to do yoga, hike, go to the beach/park or dine outside under a heat lamp. Life is good here in Cali! IРІР‚в„ўm pretty easy to please, fun, loving, generous (and like the same in return) and laugh a lot. I'm also a bit quirky... so my friends say.
I’m looking for a man who will be my best friend and eventually my other half as part of a calm and loving relationship… no drama here! It should be easy to make plans, have fun wherever we go and have a good time!
I like creating memorable experiences because I've always heard the things you regret most are the things you don't do, not the things you do.
If you like what you see, would be great to get an email from you.

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