Date women from United States / California / Rancho Santa Fe, 84 year old

Date a soulmate from California, United States. As an only child with no children my only baggage is my little 5 pound Maltese Terrier, Hannah. I love animals ans have been a volunteer and supporter of the San Diego Zoological Society. I was proud to be chosen ans co-chair with my late husband for their huge sit down, black tie annual fundraiser THE RITZ. Unfortunately my husband passed away 2 months before the event took place but my commitee did a wonderful job in helping me during a difficult time. I used to be a Socialite but now no longer like to attend social events alone so mainly enjoy dining with friends. I love jokes and am looking for a man with a sense of humor. I think my friends would describe me as being well dressed, attractive for my age, intelligent and fun with whom to spend time. I belong to The Wednesday Club in San Diego which is a very old ans established women's club dedicated to the pursuit of artistic and literary cullture and study the problems of our time. We meet every Wednesday from October until June. I am also active in the DAR and The National Society of the Colonial Dames of America. My ancestry goes back to Colonial times. Things that make me smile are seeing friends, babies, animals and wild birds. I am an avid bird watcher have many feeders where numerous species gather. I am grateful for my wonderful parents who guided me and provided me with a good education. I am looking for a male companion to share attending various functions, dining, and just enjoy one another's company. He doesn't necessarily have to enjoy the same things I do but I would like him to be well dressed and pleasant looking. My husband served in the U.S.Navy for 33 years and attended the Naval Academy. He retired as a Capatin and came to CA to be CEO of a business started by his father and became invoved in a partnership for development of various properties. We entertained often and lavishly, especially when he was an Assitant Attache' in the Paris, France embassy. I love antiques and have inherited many from my family. Having been an artist I love visiting museums and attending their fundraisers. I would like a companion who shares that because I no longer feel comfortable attending social functions alone. Also I wish a companion with a sense of humor and doesn't sit all day at the television watching sports. Although I was a cheerleader in high school I am no longer interested in attending sports events or watching it on TV. Also I would prefer someone who is computer savy and can help me with glitches I encounter. There are probably other things but I can't think of more presently.