Date a soulmate from Poway, United States. Oh lawdy. First thing I saw was "4000 characters remaining".
Second thing? "200 character minimum."
Third thing I saw nearly made me crap myself:
Well damn. Straight to the point, eh? But see, that's an interesting thing to ask of me. The way I see a relationship, you don't really know what you are after. You go about your life, doing your thing, working your job, learning etc etc. Then one day, they just... Show up. They may spill coffee all over your shirt while you're writing an email. They may be the one that sold her the coffee. They may be the one that giggled into their laptop from across the room.
The thing is, I don't know who my "ideal match" is yet, because I haven't met them yet. Or I have, and they have just been sitting under my nose this whole time. Again, I don't know. I don't think anyone really KNOWS what their ideal match is until they meet them.
I just realized I didn't really say anything about myself or my ideal match.
Damn. Again.
Okay, let's see... Describe myself....
I am... I am a dork. I like Star Wars, I make references, and I spend too much time on the internet playing games. But yet, people rely on me. I am a rock for many people. But yet... People still fall through the cracks, despite my efforts. People come, people go. I save some lives(she doesn't realize it, never speaks to me again), I stop some suicides, show some people what can happen if they don't give up. Sometimes at my expense. But there are still people who fall, despite my efforts. But I can't dwell on them; I take hope in the fact that I have made a difference to at least one person, and that is enough for me.
Phew. Alrighty, on to... The HER. :I
Lawdy. I am suddenly hit with the image of girls actually reading this. D: Uhm... Great, thanks for making me nervous, miss.
Here we go. The missus... I don't know what my ideal match is. I guess I'll know it when I see it.
Meet a boy from Poway, United States. Hello there, my name is Mitchell. I'm an avid programmer, gamer, reader, and TV show watcher. I just graduated high school and will be heading on to college soon, as a computer science major. Yes, I am a geek, nerd, whatever you want to call it, as well as shy most of the time.
I don't really get out much; I spend a lot of my time indoors, usually watching a TV show, reading a book, or playing a video game, such as BF3 or any other game that I find fun at the time.