Date someone special from Marysville, United States. I have two little girls that I work very hard to take care of. They are the reason I get up in the morning and work all day, and the reason I love to come home at night. Taking care of two kids is a full time job in itself, but a single father trying to take care of two girls especially one that is about to break into her teens is on another level. I do the best with what I have and it seems to be working out all right. I may need to broaden my hair styling techniques a bit because I can only do a handful?down, pony tail, two pony tails, or my greatest achievement a French braid. If I?m really feeling it I?ll through in a beret or a flower.
I am in the military and I live a pretty busy life. I work long hours with a bunch of aircraft maintainer?s whose whole life is grease, fuel, and hydraulic fluid. Four letter words are a given in any conversation and lunch may consist of a sandwich off a truck called a roach coach eaten on the go with a side of hydraulic fluid, fuel, and grease. I enjoy my job and feel a sense of accomplishment in what I do for my country. I have much respect for my brothers and sisters that lay down their lives for our country by being on the front lines. I may not carry a weapon but I do my part.
I enjoy the everyday things in showers, a soft bed, a roof over my head, and have a deep love for good food. I enjoy venturing out and trying new cuisines. I?ll try anything once. I spend most of my time entertaining my girls by doing whatever seems good at the time. I try to be outside as much as possible soaking up the sun and the fresh air. I have had my share of the single life and hitting the clubs every weekend. Don?t get me wrong?I do enjoy free time away from the kids! A guy can only take so much Justin Bieber, Nickelodeon, and chicken fingers! I enjoy going to a place to have a few drinks and play pool, darts, and have conversations with quality people. I love meeting new people and making new friends, but my inner circle of friends is small and am cautious about who I let in. I am a very trusting person and the most loyal person you could ever meet in your life. I will help in any way that I can and would give you the shirt off my back as long as you treat me with respect and treat me the way you would like to be treated.
I am looking for a woman that can keep up with my life and my kids. I respect a woman who has her own life and would support her in her career. She has to be able to compromise well, and be able to roll with the punches. I love a woman that is not afraid to get down and dirty by going on hikes, helping around the house, and getting a little greasy under the hood during the day, and still am able to get dolled up in a nice dress and rock heels at night once in a while for a night on the town. She has to have a love of food and at least try to cook or help me cook. I enjoy cooking nice meals for friends and family. Lately I only cook for the kids and it has to be simple things like mac and cheese and chicken tenders. It has been a while since I have cooked for someone that would appreciate a good home cooked meal. We spend a lot of down time at home just hanging out and relaxing by reading, playing games, and sitting around watching movies and being goofy, so she has to be down to hang around in her pajamas on movie nights and eat loads of junk food curled on the couch. On that note?since I love to eat so much I spend a lot of time working out at the gym, running, or just being active trying to keep what my mamma gave me in good working condition. I love having someone around to work out with or go on a run with. You don?t have to be a pro athlete or anything just the type that likes to keep fit and healthy.
I could keep going on and on, but then you would have no reason to want to contact me. So if you would like to know more about me, feel free to drop me an email. I like winks too but would love it more if you said Hi! Thanks for your time,
Meet men and women from Marysville, United States. I know what I want and I'm not afraid to work for it. I am a very loveable, happy, down to earth kinda woman. Alittle old fashioned in someways. My children are my first priority, always. Family is very important to me. My parents
taught me to treat others as I wanted to be treated, and that has been past on to my children. I have taught them to have respect
for themselves as well as others, to be disciplinced in the things that they do. If you're doing your best then you should have no regets. I usually say what's on my mind, and sometimes it comes out without the sugar coat, but that's just as needed. I am pretty
sarcastic and expect my other half to be also (it's all in fun). But, know there is a difference between being rude and being sarcastic. I love to joke and play around (rough house). I may be alittle bit of a PRISSY GIRL, but I am NOT a SISSY GIRL. I like to get my hair and nails done and dress up. I can also throw my hair up and play in the dirt with the guys... and if I break a nail I'll just go get it fixed. lol... And when things aren't going the way I would like them to...I'm going to suck it up and smile anyways. I don't see much sense in wasting time on whinning and complaining about things. If you don't like something then FIX IT! If it's not something that you can fix then get over it and MOVE ON! Life is to short, ENJOY it....SMILE...(it'll make you and the person next to you feel better).