Date women from United States / California / Los Altos, 90 year old

Date a soulmate from California, United States. Your touch, your feel, your cotton... will it be the fabric of my life? Beats polyester except at an 80's throwback Xanadu rollerskating party.
My photos are mostly current within a few years with the exception to the obvious grunge rock era. I don't put much focus on age because if you do, you will. My friends range in the 20's to 70's . I can hang with most anyone and "blend". I feel a bit sad for those who are stuck in their ways- not open to new adventures but then again, that is their choice and sometimes social circumstances prevent one from being carefree. I'm as flexible as Gumby, sometimes a little pokey and definitely need a fire lit under my glutes if sifting through piles and piles of paperwork. The recycling bin is my push pal as I become clutter free- an awesome feeling!!!!

It isn't egotistical to know your attributes. How I perceive myself: I am highly creative, enthusiastic, earthy, humble, polite, someone who lights up a room with a pocket Mag Lite and am a bit of a smarty tart. My wit is quick whether I spew a bad pun in conversation or enjoy writing funny captions on friends social photos. I suppose all this started with a nutty family and many reunions with so much laughter and clever pranks seamlessly planned weeks in advance. Other positive traits: my chill factor, compassion, healthy life style and authenticity. If you are passionate about your career, I am interested in learning about what you chose "to do", whether you study the Earth's core or are a trapeze artist. Currently, after some real estate juggling and getting rid of too much accumulated stuff, I plan to invest in a few ideas I've learned not to share. Someone with instant capital took a story I developed and ran with it... keeping hush is a new learning tool as mongrels who ain't got a penny.... such great lyrics! Sorry, my train of thought went into the wrong station. OOPS! Artists think beyond three dimensions and see even more. "Imagination is more important than knowledge" ~Albert Einstein
Some negative traits that I'm working on:
Not reading the entire menu before ordering a meal
Becoming more organized and efficient with my time- even with twelve spinning plates of meatballs flying
Finding my self worth I allowed another to trample on. This has not cramped my enthusiasm and confidence when amongst peers.
It's a given that we all love to laugh and walk on the beach. I don't see the glass half empty or full because I prefer a ceramic mug and that cliche is so overused on here!. What type of sense of humor do you have? That is SO huge and something a few phone calls can determine.... if we can laugh together at the same thing or if you're simply calling to hook up. I enjoy watching other chicks get plastered and going home with the last guy that bought her a shot. If I don't have friends with me- at least a wing man or woman- I choose fuddy duddy sobriety. I'm still a lot of fun... just add bubble juice :)
Love kids and if you have them, cool! Can't have my own but there is no correct auto response on here. This is sadly a wall I'm hitting as guys that nursed their careers are now ready for a family. It is what it is... as much as I wanted to be a mom. Those with kids please note I have had a lot of experience with all ages- from camp counselor to mentoring teens. My parents prepared me to be that and in the end- they became my kids instead when they grew ill. Most elders need as much care and patience and unfortunately there are fewer resources in this arena.
Lastly, the first kiss will hopefully give me tingles or butterflies- I'm a renaissance woman with a romantic, soft squishy creamy inside. Taking my time and a meandering path to find Mister Right, Left and Sideways.
PS. Winks are lame don't you think? Or don't you think.