Date a soulmate from Larkspur, United States. Ok so about me I am kinda like the alpha male except I come with a heart of gold, I am not afraid to open doors or watch chick flicks lol however I also love roller coasters taking chances and pursuing goals . I love getting dirty but also love showeres and soap lol. I would like to meet a woman who is mature and stable with her emotions. Someone who is willing to take a chance and who believes love still exists. I want to have lots of fun and have lots of laughs and I believe in chemistry. I love animals and support their rights I just hope to meet someone who is real and who is normal lol. I could write forever an be extremely passionate but I really want to save it for the right person. bottom line is I have a stable career I am always eary and I am pasionate about life. I work out 6 days a week and I am know where near perfect but I believe I am perfect when it comes to showing love and compassion and being there for someone. I am the rock! I am the guy who you can depend on and it took allot of years to get my shi- together but I am ready for a serious heart felt relationship and I am very excited to meet her cause I will let her know everyday just how much I appreciate her and that is a promise I will keep!