Date a man from Cohasset, United States. Humm .... in meeting anyone I have no need to set expectations or think of the "ideal" person, its enough to share life experiences at first, observe the sights and sightings with thoughtful comment. Don't believe a meeting should be built up, believe in development and crafting in a sense of ease, like one was baking a cake or careful planning of an adventure, to learn of our each other true souls and dynamic nature.
Looking true soul of awareness.
Able to function calmly in the earthly reality that brings us most of our anxieties, namely our search for food, shelter, water and love companionships.
One who understands our place is not to be grounded all the time on earth but be to grow & grasp the concepts of space time.
To rid oneself of all chains of a planetary existence, to travel far back or far ahead into infinity to balance soul and spirit within the fabric of woven dimensions that allow our existence.
Now if talking life philosophy and science are your forte' in the flash of minutes dealt unto us while completing the tasks of reality that challenge our survival, perhaps we have the common ground to begin our journey together.