Date women from United States / California / Chatsworth, 84 year old

Date a soulmate from California, United States. Hello, let me tell you a little about myself....
I am a forty-year-old woman in the body of an 80-year-old lass. Dont' hold it against me! For the most part, youth and vitality are my brotherly companions, but I do have my days.
This month I've been to Laredo, TX, New York City, and the African Continent, and that was just because of the magic carpet of book reading. Next month I will be going to the San Juan Islands, where I'm told I'm going to sing my heart out. Shortly thereafter, I'll be on my way to the Chicago area for my 65th high school reunion. But I'm not a complete wanderlust. Sometimes I just like to stay at home, lay in my hammock, and watch the world around me go by.
I am also an avid athlete. Every Monday I play sissy volleyball with The Old Gang. Wednesday is my day to carry a potload of veggie peelings out to the back garden and spread them about. On Fridays, I extend my arm, point my finger, and oversee as my grandson takes out the garbage. So there you see, sometimes I live a life of priviledge. Probably every day.
I love the outdoors, but prefer a good B&B to camping. I am told I throw a magnificent garden party.
I am a perpetual learner, reader, thinker, scientist, dreamer, healer, lover, painter.
I am looking for a man who is tender-hearted, shares some of my interests, and is downright good company. Send me a new-fangled telegram, and we'll talk more.