Date women from United States / California / Capitola, 82 year old

Date someone special from Capitola, United States. Yes, I'm a "seasoned woman"...looking for a "man for all seasons"...
I'm not going to go on and on about how I don't look or act my age...but the primary photo was taken Oct., 2011.
My life-experiences have given me a peace about who and where I am in life. Although I'm happy with my single-ness, I do get lonely at times and hunger for conversation and communication and closeness.
I once taught Yoga and still practice it every day, wanting to maintain a flexibility in both mind and body.
How to best describe me??? I'm fun, funny, attractive, high-energy, passionate, sensual, healthy and active, strong and independent. I'm grateful and proud to be able to say that I've had a fabulous life. A few speed-bumps, yes, but I've grown and learned from them. I've had a home-office service business for 30 years, as an agent for independent contractors in all the trades... and love what I'm doing. I've maintained my body with healthy nutrition and exercise. Since I have a background in theatre, music & dance, I love concerts, plays, anything theatrical... especially the Broadway musicals... Seeking a kind, considerate, articulate man for friendship and occasional companionship, while still respecting each other's "space". Open-ness and authenticity are important. Good communication, playfulness and downright silliness is very acceptable! Smile at me and I'll follow you anywhere!...especially if a walk by the ocean or a picnic with a good bottle of wine is in the offing!

Qualities that I admire are a sense of humor (I love to laugh and will think you are hilarious), depth of character, intelligence, exploring mind and gentle touch. Not interested in a long-distance or phone-chat relationship. Would love to find someone local or in the Bay area.