Date men from United States / Arkansas / Tuckerman, 36 year old

Date single man from Arkansas, United States. I am an easy going person and I have a grate since of humer, I enjoy doing just abought everything, however I have a tendancy of being a little quite around large grups peaple that I don't know well, and thats sometimes mistaken for shyness, but beleve me, I'm not shy in the least.I am the kind of person who has never met a stranger, I will talk to any one who makes the effert to talk to me first, and in some cases I'll eaven start a long conversation with some one I've never eaven met. Im not well convenced that I'll find some one on this sight who will be intrested in me, so I'll keep my fingures crossed and keep takeing lonly afternoon walks to the city park.... ill probably never pay for a subscription to this sight, so i wont be able to sind e-mails to any one, but at least I can wink at peity woman, and hope to see them in public one day.