Date men from United States / Arkansas / Star City, 22 year old

Date a boy from Star City, United States. Just checking this thing out, I am a conductor for Union Pacific. I work hard and play harder.I'm very sarcastic and joke around a lot (as you can tell from those jean shorts :p). Duck hunting is my life.I love being outside and I love hunting and fishing. I believe that there are three things a man should change about a woman, her last name, her address and her view on other men. Just looking for the right one to settle down with eventually. I love hanging out and doing outdoor things but I'm also a fan of being lazy on the couch! I know how to treat a woman and I'm not like most loser dead beats on here, I know my way around a broom and vacuum and I wash dishes and clothes lol also not scared to clean a bathroom. I love cooking and grilling so you don't have to be good at either! :-) I was raised to treat with women with respect and like a queen, after all without a woman none of us would be here. I put God first in my life then family and friends. I have a 3 yr old chocolate lab named CptJackson who is more like my son.