Date women from United States / Arkansas / North Little Rock, 70 year old

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. Happy, healthy and positive. I do have my moments but only at my expence. I have sustsined friendships since early childhood. I am incurably curious and spontanious. .

I was raised in the Gulf Coast of Tex. Moved to my state to attend university and never had time to leave. I am very glad of that.
I raised three fine children. They are all educated and doing well.
This is rather difficult for me express my likes or dislikes. I like so much. I love being active and healthy. I try not to glote over my good fortune but I am not ready to slow down too much. I have had a few issues but have come out of them pretty whole.
Anyone I find attractive is usually someone who has learned from life and experiences. Its suprising how may people get this far without standing on their own two feet. Like hard workers or at least someone who works hard at something.
I would like to get what I'm giving.

Meet someone special from Arkansas, United States. That headline is a quote from Mae West. I love old movies. I still believe in romance and love forever after.
It would be great to fall in love again, to have that feeling of looking across the room and feel my heart beat a little faster, my breathe come a little quicker just to see that special someone. But more than anything, I want a good friend first.
I love to "rattle" around, go off on the spur of the moment to no place in particular just to see something we've been talking about.
But it's just a lot more fun to do that with someone you really like and who really likes you.
I like all kinds of everyday activities, reading, going to movies, flea markets, eating out, cooking.
I'm a nurse, educated, can hold up my end of a conversation, have had many adventures I can tell you about if you want to hear them. I like to dance, walk, bowl and swim.
My perfect match will be a man of the appropriate age for me, single, with no hang-ups from previous relationships. A man who likes women, who sees the woman in his life as his romantic partner, his other half, his companion. He will be able to talk about his hopes, dreams and ideas. I never dreamed I would reach this stage of my life and be without a companion, did you?
And yet, here I am. It gets more difficult as the years go by to meet someone compatible.
You know what I mean, you look at the pictures, you read the profiles, you wonder if they are being honest. You have that picture in your head of that perfect someone and you never seem to know if you should make contact or not.
Am I the one you're looking for? Who knows, maybe we are perfect for each other, maybe not. But there is no way to know without taking a chance.
Send me an email, tell me about you.