Date women from United States / Arkansas / Mountain View, 33 year old

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. I enjoy helping others and I am the person that is always willing to listen when friends need someone. I am very quite and shy person but warm up to people very fast. I would like to share my time with someone that has a sense of humor and caring.

Meet a woman from Arkansas, United States. outgoing fun lovin mom of 3. Who is not looking for a father to her children they have a great one already..i love to fish ,love to spend time outdoors. i like to spend most of my free time with my kids what ever there activities may take us.high school football games, the pee-wee league games , baseball, at he creek,the park... we try to do it all sometime.i would like to meet someone with similar interests. i am not looking for life long commitment,someone who can be friends and take life as it goes.some things are meant to be and some are not..i like to hang out with friends at back yard bbqs or Out and about town or riding four wheelers or motorcycles. .or all of the in between. i do like to have a lot of laughs and fun! if you need to know more just ask. i really stink describing myself... lol i think most of us do though

Date someone special from Arkansas, United States. I would like to meet a nice, professional and a sophisticated man. I am a nice Persian girl. I do love sports and do exercise regularly to be in shape. I like traveling, dancing, camping, hiking and I would like to go out and explore nature if my busy schedule allows me. I do enjoy very simple things in my life; I would like to have a nice partner to have a more enjoyable life.
I am so passionate about technology and innovative ideas (I am a girl with a head); I do enjoy talking about novel ideas :). Math and Computer Science are my favorite topics and I really enjoy talking and working on them. I one day would like to come back to academia as a professor in business even though I studied Computer Science :-).
Being a professor, medical doctor or scientist is a plus.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I would describe myself as positive and energetic! I almost always have a smile on my face :) I truly enjoy meeting and being around people. I have a great sense of humor and love to crack jokes and make others laugh!
My friends and family mean the world to me! I'm so grateful for the wonderful group of close friends I have in my life. I definitely consider myself to be a social butterfly!
My ideal match, is down to earth and genuine. They have big heart with a huge capacity to love. They are secure with who they are and have good communication skills and are not afraid to talk about their feelings. I'm looking for a best friend, a partner in crime, someone who brings out the best version of myself and vice-versa. I'm looking for someone, who is serious about meeting that special someone and exploring where that can go...

Date a woman from United States. I have a great job, great friends, and two adorable dogs. I'm really into the outdoors and love an adventure. When it gets cold or I want a night in, I enjoy reading, watching movies, and cooking.
I like to have variety in my life and hoping to meet someone that is always up for trying something new. We may have our favorite spots but there's so much the world has to offer and I want to experience as much of it as I can.

Meet someone special from United States. i love to love. in all its forms: a friend, a caregiver/teacher, a family member, a lover
curious about meeting people with Positive intentions for dating/friendship/love, people who are Flexible with the possibilities and Respectful in the process of getting to know one another..
someone who loves tending a fire. or building one. or watching one. ahhhhh warmth.
people who know me describe me with these words: unique. creative. talented.real. monkey .awesome
i describe myself with these: fun. dynamic.brave. honest. messy. strong. compassionate
In its highest form, i hope for partnerfriend who values the sacredness of being intimate ..someone who can even teach me a bit... An equal, a respectful friend and lover. someone honest with integrity and PLENTY of humor.
I am open to all levels of happy connection, from friendship, to networking, to this thing called 'dating', to soulbeing buddies...all depends.
i love soulful music, loving people, smart people, nice people, creativity, funkyness, honesty, compassion, passion, and laughing.
my favorite, most respected musicians of all time are stevie wonder, prince, fela kuti, bjork, mozart? nina simone
my favorite animals are orcas, dolphins, hummingbirds, and...domestic cats
my favorite movies: Blazing Saddles, Dumb and Dumber, Human Nature, and ...many more i forgot...Documentaries
favorite shows: In Living Color, Boston Legal, Dexter, Once Upon a Time, Nature Documentaries

Date a soulmate from Mountain View, United States. Charming and understanding. Considerate, pretty, a great mother, emotional support, passionate. Loving and caring and supportive. Have a good job and secure about themselves. Relationship should be natural and bonding is most important.

Meet a woman from Mountain View, United States. I am an extrovert with pretty easygoing personality, confident, friendly and fun with a good sense of humor, I try to enjoy small things in life without losing focus on my goals. I have great attitude towards life and have a happy temperament, my strength lies in my focused, pragmatic and positive approach to life. I love to try my new inventions in the kitchen and most of the time they turn out to quite good :-). I live life to fullest because tomorrow is never promising nor guaranteed.
I enjoy watching movies, sports, exploring new things from food to outdoor activities, reading fiction and nonfiction.
I would like to meet someone who enjoys traveling, who is down to earth, leading healthy lifestyle, honest and can be a good friend. Someone who can respect the differences we have and with whom I can connect both intellectually and emotionally.

Date someone special from Mountain View, United States. Funny, feisty and flirtatious, I'm all about enjoying time spent with friends and family, splitting up my time here in ny & ca. my crazy family is very important to me--wherever we finally get together in unexpected corners of the world, its a riot. i love exploring--near & far for favorites or new places for a hidden treasure (preferably the edible kind!). Nomadic food fetishist prowling for a good time. Sous-chef. Forever thanking good-natured, helpful subway conductors.
Chronicler of family recipes. Armed with great calves and tousled bed-head 'dos with a propensity for last-minute escapades, life-long int'l food scavenger hunts, and Panerai's. Rocking multiple tan lines since I never sit still when i'm out on a boat or beach.
You'll certainly be well-fed with me around writing up new recipes or entertaining friends. I'm looking for someone curious of mind and heart with a distinctive personality and who can keep up with me or even keep me on my toes. All with a good head on your shoulders and a balanced perspective on life, love and work. Carey Hart with a Cary Grant streak of style for an occasional glam night out sounds just right. Nights in pigging out at home are balanced with day-trips and explorations outside/within city limits. Can't wait to hear your side of the story!

. I am someone who loves my work but on my off time I enjoy being with friends and family. I moved to the bay area for a job change and have been working a ton of hours. I am looking for a person who I can enjoy and relax with on my off time, but also someone who enjoys sports and the outdoors. I have two dogs and am always trying to find fun activities to do with them, like hiking, running, camping... I also like to travel when I get a chance. One goal of mine is to visit to all seven continents. Four down and three to go! I lived in the San Luis Obispo area for the last four years and started appreciating wine. I love the Paso Robles wine county and wine tasting there is the best. Any chance I get, I love to go back to the central coast for the beach and the wine. Baseball is my favorite sport, and sorry bay area, the Angles are my team! I'm from SoCal and I'm also UCLA football fan even though they suck. I gotta sick with my roots. I am looking for someone who has a great since of humor, loves pets, enjoys spending time with family and friends, and can provide interesting conversation.

. ...ouch. Ok, there's my joke, so you can't say that I'm not funny. =) I'm just going to keep this short and sweet. I am looking for a serious relationship, so if you just want one thing, sorry I'm not your girl.
I think I'm a good catch- college educated, teacher, runner, search and rescue volunteer, cool dog, what more could you ask for!
If you're interested, shoot me a wink or email. Good luck!

. I work a lot, like to travel when i can, and am looking for someone to share these experiences and my life with. I am hoping to attract an inspiring and social person that enjoys the finer things in life.