Date men from United States / Arkansas / Mammoth Spring, 51 year old

Date a man from Mammoth Spring, United States. To the woman I may fall in love with
I am a confident man who’s belief is non denominational Christian. I have no time for games or baggage that is still not dealt with. I would like to be matched with a lady who doesn't have a long laundry list of demands. But is willing to meet and see if our personalities blend. I want a beautiful woman inside and out. I love life and I look forward to sharing my life with a very special friend and companion.
I am 51 years old honestly! Own a place in Arkansas and could move anytime depending on where work takes me. Generally San Diego. I would like to meet someone who has no unesessary debt, is not needy, or they think it takes a man to make them complete. I would like to travel more and experience more outreaches and mission trips. The best fit for me would be no kids still living at home or there nearing the age of leaving home. I have no pets which makes it easier to travel. If you cannot post full body pics, or your pics are blurry, microscopic or you just didn't post any I will not respond. Fair is fair. I am a man and I am visual. If you feel this fits you and your interested please continue to read my profile.
I like to plan things and I also like things to happen occasionally just in a moment’s notice. But in all things just appreciate and honor one another.
I would like you to love yourself and carry yourself with confidence. I want you to be respectful of yourself, your appearance, your integrity, your honesty, your loyalty, and your word.
I don’t want a Barbie, and I am not Ken! But I am a man that likes some finer things in life. I do like a lady to be somewhat sophisticated and attractive. She knows herself and takes care of herself physically, mentally, and spiritually. No controlling or manipulative woman need apply. She walks into a room with complete confidence. She's in love with who she has and is not looking for something better. Watch the movie Pure Country. She gets her hands dirty, but she is still a lady.
I like to give and help those in need and I would like to donate my time more to the people less fortunate whatever that may be.
I would like to travel with my lady to places we have never experienced. I would like these final chapters in my life to be blended with yours in happiness and adventure if its meant to be.
My children are grown adults living away from home. I am not looking to raise anymore children and if you have children I would expect them to be near adulthood or already there. I love my children and my family, but I don't live life through them. But when there is someone in my life that becomes one with me that person is my top priority after my relationship with God, then my children and so forth and I would expect the same from them.
Thank You for reading my profile and may your path be directed to your MATCH!!!!!! Please if you want a response show me the same consideration of what I am looking for. And if you are the person above please contact me.!