Date women from United States / Arkansas / Harrison, 31 year old

Date a woman from United States. i would like to think of myself as funny and fun to be around. i enjoy someone who makes me laugh and knows when to comfort me. this lady loves loyalty and honesty. so that is a must to continue with this. to me the most attractive man is the one who is funny and also an amazing lover... in many ways. im def. not interested in a high maintance man, oh yes they do exist

Meet someone special from United States. I am looking for a man who has a great sence of humor and really outgoing and open. I need a man who is open with his feelings, and Love's children! I need a man who can take charge and work for a living to support maybe a future wife and children. I need a man who likes to have fun and explore to crazy side of life, like going to SciFi Conventions, Renaissance festivals, and going to concerts. I am a bit of a nerd/geek but I take great pride in it. I love to do go Camping, Fishing, Hunting, and horseback riding. I have done those things since I was a small child, (growing up in Arkansas does that to people.) lol.
I Love to draw and make Star Wars costumes in my spare time. I love playing Games and Reading novels. I love the outdoors, hunting and fishing, along with camping!
I love dogs, I hate cats.. :P
I am full of spirit and have a strong personality. So my mate would have to be full of spirit and have a strong personality as well.

Date a soulmate from United States. Im recently divorced and work my butt off to take care of my daughter. I have a beautiful baby girl that means the world to me, and come first.. Im looking for someone that allows me to be myself an accept me, and my faults. I love outdoor activities, but date night on the couch & movie is wonderful too. Im looking for someone who wants to share their life, dreams, hopes and fears with the person they love.

Meet a woman from Harrison, United States. Im single (haha)! I love spending time with my family and friends. I am hopeful that God has someone out there just for me. Im sarcastic and funny. I am a preachers kid. At the age I am I dont have any friends that arent married and have kids. I have to plan in advance when I want to hang out with a friend because they have other obligations. That stinks when you just need someone to talk to. If I just find someone to talk to and hang out with that makes me laugh then thats fine with me. My closest friends are funny and sarcastic and are great spouses and parents-they teach me alot.

Date someone special from Harrison, United States. I am looking for someone who understands love and know what love is. Someone who is not ready to play with my heart. Someone who will value my heart and life when I give him my heart. Because I am the type who gives her heart to the one I am in love with in a relationship. This has been my belief that a relationship is built on trust, honesty, faithfulness, and love. Also, passion, caring for one another, the ability to compromise and grow. That is what I call true love. This includes being there for each other through thick and thin, in good times and in bad times. Willing to share your last penny to save your partners life in a dying situation .True love, an emotion so strong that you would give up everything. To just feel it once, to know that you are part of something special.

Meet a soulmate from Harrison, United States. I am looking for someone who will be honest to me, will treat me and my son well also looking for someone who will be my best friend and a whole lot more. would like someone who loves kids and wants more and is family oriented.