Date people from Guion, United States. Hi. I'm Eric. Nice to meet you! I'm a recent transplant from the DFW area. Dramatic change for the better, methinks
First, here are some filters. My B.S. antennae are finely tuned; so if you lie to me, I will detect it. If you are obese, you are NOT "curvy," nor are you my match. I'm not into excessive tattoos. Or piercings. Or Goth. If you have "princess," "hot," "sexy," "sassy," "divine," or "beautiful" in your profile name, go look for a guy who is shirtless in his primary photo.
Why I'm a good catch: I'm intelligent. Got a good degree from a damn good school to prove it. I am gainfully employed as a management type at a local mining company. I have my personal finances in order. I don't carry credit card debt. I own property; and my cars are paid for. I'm considerate, patient, and don't get frustrated easily. I'm well traveled, having lived three years in Italy and seen most of The Old Continent. I'm articulate with English; and I WILL correct your grammar. (In a nice way. Maybe. Just don't say "irregardless" and we'll be fine.) I'm in reasonably good shape, and am healthy and physically strong. I'm tall. I'm a good cook. I'm mechanically inclined and can fix stuff
Interests: I enjoy gardening. I know how to can vegetables. I'm a huge South Park fan. I'm a shooting sports enthusiast. I listen to dance music (uhm tiss, uhm tiss, uhm tiss). I play cards, chess, and backgammon. I read. I eat sushi. I like several varieties of red wine and have a favorite scotch. I have a mountain bike that hangs in my garage, where I look at it and imagine riding it sometimes.
Disinterests: Professional and collegiate sports. Don't ask me about the Razorbacks, Cowboys, Mavericks, Cardinals, or Grizzlies; I don't care. I'm the guy who shows up at the Superbowl party and asks, "Who's playing?" Also, I don't like it when women pretend to be interested in sports they care nothing about because they think men will find them more attractive. I can't stand Lady Gaga or the Black Eyed Peas. I don't care for Mexican food.
I like a good debate and usually have a different take on most issues. Unfortunately, what passes for "debate" between our politicians and the talking heads on TV today is little more than narcissistic posturing on irrelevant non-issues that serves to obfuscate what's really important. It's a pity so many people learn all the wrong things from these exchanges, and thereby cripple their own critical thinking skills. Makes me want to shout, "Kill your TV!" I keep myself informed on current events - particularly regarding economic, currency, and market matters. I read ZeroHedge. I'm a Ron Paul fan.
I have a serious demeanor that renders me unapproachable to some.My height is a contributory factor. But I'm a big teddy-bear. Once you get to know me,you'll find I'm always looking for something funny to lighten the mood and can see the positive side of most situations.
Who am I looking for? Honesty is critical. Attractiveness is a nice to have.You must be a Christian (no Mormons please); but I'll quickly disclaim that I"m not very "churchy" myself, and don't demand annual mission trips to Haiti. Some shared interests would be nice; but they say opposites attract, so. well, whatever. It would be nice to find someone who has unplugged from the Matrix. I will not date a liberal.
Other dudes advertise excitement, sports enthusiasm, boisterous extroversion,and the like. Look, while I can drive nails with an AR, and take corners at 80 mph in the Bimmer, I'll gladly stay in on the weekend to teach the kiddo how to plant tomatoes, practice math with crayons, build a castle from blocks using a cantilever formation she will understand some day, toss a ball around, watch Barney, ride a bicycle, swing on the swingset, etc. So consider me a warrior and provider; but also a patient, considerate, trustworthy adult who will bring you flowers for no reason,take care of you when you're sick,and stick around to raise the children.