Date women from United States / Arkansas / Ash Flat, 21 year old

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. hey guys my name is Ariel i love to read write draw and take photos those are my top things that i love to do i love to have fun when the time calls for it. but i know when i need to be serious also i am a collage student i work hard to get what i get and i want to prove that i am worth your wild i am majoring in criminal justice and photography i am living my dream i just want some one to share it with i am so proud of my goals that i have reached and what i have done to make it all a reality and so far i have and that is all that counts it is what i want to do with my life and i enjoy both tings i am a big romantic lol the things i think of to do for a date are so amazingly awesome and that some day i would like to live some of those dates out that would be so great so if u want to talk that would be wonderful! oh and i am unique because i am me and there is no one like me that is what makes me unique my taste in music is i love every thing number one favorite though is celtic i love it so much o and i am 21 years old never been a bar and i want a guy that can go have a few drinks and still be romantic and loving and can have fun with out any worries i would love to find that guy that can make me laugh all the time i love to laugh but i have not done that in a while i miss it i really do so i hope u can do that, that would be great if u would like to know any thing just let me know i am willing to answer anything just ask and i will be sure to answer them as best as i can lol can not wait to hear from u :)