Date men from United States / Arizona / Yarnell, 54 year old

Date single man from Arizona, United States. I love adventure, have lived a fair amount of it and am looking to live more, preferably with a kindred spirit-that’s why I’m here.
For me, adventure is going new places, the further off the beaten path the better. Adventure is experiencing new things from food to new places to submarine rides. Adventure entails but is certainly not limited to action and stimulation of the senses-all of them (although not necessarily at the same time, I’m not a total hedonist! [smile]). Adventure can be a fabulous novel read on the sofa in the living room or on a mat in a monastery in Takeo province.
I am also about volunteerism which can lead to some of the greatest adventures of all. Since I am in the medical field, each year I try to go at least once on a trip with our local group to put on primary care clinics in isolated areas of the world. I also do the volunteer fire department thing in my home town.
Something else very important to me is pets and animals, I love them all. Well, okay, maybe not all them. For domestic creatures I like dogs best, for wild creatures, I like the cats and birds. I was raised with horses and miss them terribly.
Another thing I’d mention is that I love art. I especially appreciate folk art, the art of the people. I have a degree in fine arts and look at the world through that background. Also I restore ethnographic art work as a second vocation.
I have a pilots license and love to fly. I had an airplane but sold it- bad, bad choice.
What I’m looking for is someone who buys the same brand of nuttiness I do. Someone who has energy and something to say. Someone who is capable of going slow then springing into action. I need and will return H-O-N-E-S-T-Y!!. I’m looking for a sense of humor, sense of style, sense of self, scents of patchuli and sandalwood, common sense, sensibility, strong sense of right and wrong, a few dollars and cents.....