Date women from United States / Arizona / Williams, 55 year old

Date someone special from Williams, United States. Off site, Can Not respond to Mail. Hope all y'all find what you are looking for. I've Lost too much in the last little while to have the heart for this, anymore.
Hope you find someone that holds your heart as you hold theirs. can't wait to be around them like they can't wait to be around you, someone that leaves the last cookie or pickle for you, is affectionate and hugs for no reason, that is a sap magnet for pets and gives to people . Someone that is a free spirit, with an independent nature,and a sense of adventure a dancer to the radio and/or singer when the mood hits them. Someone that cherishes your soul as you cherish theirs, someone to talk to, laugh with and be silent with. In the end I think we are all looking for that,
Live in Williams, love it, have a place of my own for my dogs to run amuck, crafter in lots of mediums, value my own space and have learned to value solitude. like creative chaos, and dogs, lots of dogs.
I am offsite. However I wish that you Be well- be safe- be blessed, and remember life is too short,so say it, go there, take a chance, share a smile, share a kiss, be present in life. Look for joy and let it find you. We only get one ride on the merry-go-round, enjoy it.
The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong in the broken places. …..
Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms, 1929
. Blessings