Date men from United States / Arizona / Prescott Valley, 37 year old

Date single man from Prescott Valley, United States. I’m a peacemaker, not a trouble starter. I like seeing people happy and having fun. I keep an open mind as well as an open heart. I value other people’s ideas and opinions but always stick to my own beliefs and stand up for what I feel is right. I’m very affectionate and enjoy showering my partner with love and attention. I’m loyal, independent, and a good listener. I am looking for someone that is independent and knows what she wants in love and life, but is also willing to share it all with someone special.
I’m a big movie buff and love catching the latest release on the big screen or just relaxing at home with an old favorite. My hobbies include collecting movie replicas, swords, and most recently, guns. I’m very interested in the Japanese culture and enjoy learning all about their culture, food, weapons, and history. I enjoy getting outdoors as well and I also like to go camping and exploring new areas in Arizona.
When it comes to a match, I believe that chemistry plays a big part. But I do look for certain traits and qualities in someone. The feature's that attracts me most to someone is their smile and their eye's. I am drawn in by a warm smile that can light up a room! I want to be with someone who has goals and dreams and isn’t afraid to do what it takes to achieve them. I’m hoping to share my life with a woman who is level headed, patient, and sweet. I love a happy go lucky attitude and being around people that don’t let things bother them. My ideal match is adventurous and willing to try new things. Her love of life is obvious by her positive attitude. I value honest, open communication and mutual respect and looking for someone that feels the same way. If you’re interested, let’s get the ball rolling and see where it leads us.

Meet a soulmate from Prescott Valley, United States. Down to earth Latino from Mexico loves the outdoors going to the lake , creek or just a movie . Loves any sport especially soccer, to play or watch . Just got out of a tuff relationship so I'm just looking for someone to hang spend some time with and see where it goes Buena suerte!

Date a man from Prescott Valley, United States. So let me first say that i have a son who is almost done with high school who lives with his mom and am not planning on having any more kids but if I find the right woman anything is possible :) my son is basically grown and soon on his way to college so even though I have a son it's not like I have a 3 year old lol. I know some people shy away from people with kids. So anyway about me I guess I am a very laid back person and would like someone to be the same. If there is a situation that we have no control over than lets just let it ride and see what happens. im really looking for some i enjoy being with no matter if we are hiking, biking, or just enjoy being close to someone. lets go workout, ride bikes, hike or watch a game, live music or a movie. =) i love making people laugh and can have a sick sense of humor sometimes lol. but i also know when to be serious. i am loyal, faithful and will go out of my way to help anyone, any other questions or comment send them my way im happy to answer them. thx for looking and i hope you have a beautiful day!
Just wanted to add a bit.. I've been asked before what it is I want. Well my answer is always to be happy .. The kind of connection I'm looking for is one that when u meet the person words just don't come out... It's a look at each other and a clasp of hands because we just know. And we just go. Where? I have no idea but we are together and it doesn't matter.

Meet someone special from Prescott Valley, United States. Need a loyal and loving friend who loves GOD first, and her mate second. Spiritual, devoted, and open-mind required.
Love is a 'long-term'-life-experience, of which I find 'MOST' are not truly prepared to walk into( NOT FALL!)
Children (yours or all others...)must be in your heart and mind as a priority,as is FOR ME.
Love knows no Distance...

Date single man from United States. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good party; but not daily!
I enjoy peace and quiet more than hanging out with a crowd.
I like to have entertaining events rather than sitting around talking.
I enjoy fixing and creating things with my hands, that is why I love my work; home maintenance and improvements.
I am a very organized and have had careers in bookkeeping/secretarial positions, but enjoy scrapping knuckles and breaking my back more than filling papers.
You will not find expensive fashion on my list of importance but I?m not a sweat pants bum.
You would not see me running long distance, but I can hike the mountain trail all day.
I enjoy camping where I can dip in the water and have a fire; even if I take the trailer instead of a tent.
I am a sucker for those in need and often put myself last in the line of importance.
I don't like hanging out with people who complain regularly, or constantly feel cheated in life.
When it comes to what I want and what I will settle for, there may be some leeway.
It's much better to not to limit yourself, just in case someone doesn't understand completely.
If you list more of what you want then who you are; your probably still holding on to the past, let it go!!
Confidence in ones self is an important emotion.
I need someone who is physically able to keep up; I'm a smoker, but still have stamina!

Meet a soulmate from United States. Something about me? I'm a nice guy who's tired of finishing last. I have terrible luck in picking women. So I gave up for a bit. Tired of cheaters and liars. I know there are good women out there. I just can't seem to find one. I'm told I look intimidating at first and then once you get to know me I'm anything but scary. I kinda wonder if I should be offended by that. I would love to find someone I can love trust and not worry about losing at the drop of a hat. Someone who understands life has ups and downs. That true happiness is through making people you care about happy. knowing that they want the same for you.

Date a man from United States. I am a hard-working, level-headed, active, fun guy. I have an unbelievably great sense of humor, and I enjoy making people laugh. I am a little shy until I warm up and get to know you (about five minutes into the conversation). I have often been told I'm an optimistic Midwestern guy (Oklahoma) with a big heart and very little Okie accent. I haven't yet decided if that's a good thing or a bad thing.:laugh: I am open-minded when it comes to discovering new interests and activities, and I am eager to try thrilling adventures. I am surrounded by the automotive world, so cars are a big professional and personal interest for me. I also enjoy camping, hiking, water sports, hanging out with friends/family, church, and a weekend out of town.
I'm single because I chose to launch my career before pursuing a serious relationship. I have always believed that doing so would allow me to provide and devote myself to what a relationship deserves. Now I have established my business, and I want to share my life with a woman and enjoy our time and interests together.
I am looking for a woman who finds pleasure in great conversation, adventure, and laughter, and also has a bright outlook on life. To break it down, I am seeking a sensible, determined, honest, flirtatious, emotionally stable, enjoyable, spontaneous woman. Friends are great, but I am not interested in finding a drinking buddy. I don't play games when it comes to relationships...I've waited long enough to find the right person and games are a waste of both our time. I am looking for a relationship that is nuturing and has longevity.