Date men from United States / Arizona / Peoria, 21 year old

Date someone special from Peoria, United States. Attempting to put myself in a summary is alot harder than I thought!
Im the youngest of 6 with all sisters, and I was born and raised here in Arizona!
I am an EMT for a private company in Phoenix, and I start school again next month for _?_?_?_?_?_. I also help my father run his funiture moving business.
I have been told that Im a workaholic and I need to take it easy but if you dont work, there is no income. So, if we were to meet and mingle, please dont be mad that I work a bunch! I like to save money just as much as I like to spend. Im not an extreme couponer or anything I just like to have a nest egg for an emergency thats not going to happen hopefully! And when I work hard and make a bunch, I like to spoil myself and my lady! I havent been out much because of work and school and my social circle just isnt there anymore! Eventually your friends disappear when you are always at work or school!
Being in the field Im in, you really see things most don't see, so I value everyday I am alive and I keep a smile on! And somedays, I am a softy and I get quiet because I feel bad for other people! If I could, I would be chubby for all the chubby kids in the whole world! I think Im on a roll, I dont have any loans, I own my truck, I got 2 small credit cards, I dont owe anybody! Its nice!
My time off includes anything that comes up with friends,co-workers and family. I love the lake and river. Im Scottish though so after about 3 to 4 hours, I got to put my shirt back on. This rain is awesome, I like to drive fast through puddles and get my truck muddy! I like finding new places to eat, hole in the wall places are the best! I hunt with my father once a year and we sometimes go fishing. And my mama, she likes to bake! It would be super cool if you can bake with her and fish with me and my pops!! I am the biggest Indianapolis Colts fan!! It would be super cool if you can watch a game with me and have a beer! Patriot fans beware! I love camping and I am not into the ocean much. Ill go in just not passed my hips, Im scarred of sharks and I dont like not knowing whats underneath me! I like tubing in the snow in Flagstaff! I can do it all day long with the right people!! Im not a fan of cats! As for dogs, I love them but I hate chiuwawas! Oh and I like monkeys and pigs and donkeys!
Im a grown up/big kid! I pick on my sisters because Im bigger than them, but I work hard and pay my bills! Im more into the traditional style of life! I want a wife,kids,house,truck,adopt a puppy, the whole 9 yards! I would love to find a lady who is a total babe/sweetheart! By that I mean gorgeous/pretty/beautiful/kind-hearted/loyal/affec
tionate/mellow/and trusting and it goes on and on! A physical and bonding attraction must be present! Hopefully your not 2 dimensional and you think you know me from reading this! I know you dont trust what you read and I dont expect you too but we are both on here to find that sweet person and I hope we both get there somehow! Im all ears and open book, 100% me!

Meet a boy from Peoria, United States. My name is Josh. I am a 21 year old soldier in the United States Army. Just got back from a 12 month deployment in Afghanistan and looking to find that special kind of woman that I can laugh with, have fun with, have intelligent conversations about numerous subjects, maybe even a competitive spirit. I was born and raised in a small town in Kansas so I got a some country boy in me. I moved out to Arizona in high school because of my dad's job and lived there until I joined the Army. I went to ASU for a year as pre-med and majoring in BioChem. I ended up overwhelming myself and that is how I ended up here lol. I would love to play all kinds of sports, even extreme ones. I listen to all kinds of rock and country and I especially like to go to concerts. I also love to go hunting when I get the chance. I pretty much live for God, Guns, and Country because we have gotten where we are today without a little faith, good marksmanship, and patriotism. I took up fly fishing and playing the acoustic guitar as hobbies recently. I also enjoy hiking and working out.
What I look for in a woman is pretty much what I wrote about up above. Having common interests is very important in a relationship along with chemistry :). I hope to hear from that very special woman very soon.

Date a soulmate from Peoria, United States. i like hockey and classic cars the ideal match would be down to earth like me not have to high of standards i am a blue collar worker i am not rich haha i am looking for a soulmate i my friends describe me as funny and down to earth

Meet single boy from Peoria, United States. I was on the national honors society and
I love music and hanging out with friends
My family comes first
My favovort movies are
Ace Ventura pet detective and
All the rush hour movies
And the avengers
I am a gamer not a big one but still like
Video games and board games like monopoly

Date a guy from Peoria, United States. I am a normal person? I dont know what type. never had to describe myself... I like common things. hanging out, movies, shows, music, the beatles if i had to choose just one band. Favorite movie is Good Fellas. I dont know what else to type...

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. My name is Vlad. Im Romanian. Im 21 years old. Im looking for a really gorgeous lady that we could get to know eachothers and maybe even be in a relationship. Soo if your intrested you should defenlly message me or something.

Date a boy from Arizona, United States. Out going, if u really wanna know you'll find out. So since I have to have 200 characters I'll write a short story, here it goes. There once was a man who thought he found love and found everything he has ever wanted a man who would never leave for anything a man who loved someone unconditionally and this man lost that, and has relized the wrongs and rights in a relationship a man who wants a friend before anything. A man who wants to have fun but meet someone that will share the same but different loves than him, someone who does not judge the dumb things he's done. Someone who can give him a great laugh. Well that's the story ha if you wanna know more about me and my crazy stories and imagination than u will surely find that by meeting myself ha

Meet a soulmate from Arizona, United States. This is one of the hardest paragraph's to write, I've noticed. Or, for any matter, anytime someone asks you to tell them about yourself, the first thing that comes to mind is "Oh God, WHO AM I?!?!?!?" anywho, I'm pretty easy to get along with, and if you wanna talk to me and get to know me better, the email button's right there, you can probably see it right now, be brave!

Date single boy from Arizona, United States. I am extremely easy to get along with. I'm not a jerk. Also I alway have a shoulder to lean on whenever. I go above n beyond to make people feel good.
Id like a loyal girl who can make me feel good about life and is ready to do anything.

Meet a guy from Arizona, United States. Want a girl who I can just chill with. Listen to some vinyl and just relax at times, but also likes to go out and hang with friends at times. Loves music and movies of all sorts and doesn't mind just being lazy sometimes when it's needed.

Date someone special from United States. I love working out and watching movies and enjoying a great conversation. Nice walks and dinners. I also love watching sports. I love watching basketball and football. My favorite teams are the Miami heat Boston red soxs and Arizona cardinals and pittsburgh steelers

Meet a boy from United States. I mostly work, but when I have off time, I like to watch movies, play guitar, play video games, and just hang out. I don't like drama, I just like a good simple life. I am currently not in college, but I am looking to go back as soon as I figure out what I want to do. For my music tastes, I pretty much am open to everything except pop and rap. My favorite Bands are, Linkin Park(only the old stuff),Primus, Mumford and Son's, Fleet Foxes, and Rush. For movies, my favorites are, Star Wars, The Boondock Saints, and A Clockwork Orange. So if your interested, just shoot me a message. By the way, I am not just looking for a hook up, so you don't have to worry about that.