Date men from United States / Arizona / Parker, 44 year old - page 2

Date a soulmate from United States. " gimme a girl thats beautiful without a trace of make up an old t shirt and cut off jeans, dancin in the kitchen singing her favorite song "....I know my dream girl... shes in a song. Music and art are passions of mine, the outdoors are my serenity, and my family and friends are what I value most. My children are my motivation, my reflection, my world, and essentials of my life...someone that can see this same kind of reflection, is the one for me

Meet single man from United States. A native New Mexican, I grew up in Albuquerque, and graduated from UNM with a "BS" in biology, before moving to Taos Ski Valley, where I lived for 15 years. I moved to Parker a few of years ago for a job opportunity, but also just for a change. I'm in the ski industry with most of my experience as a ski shop manager (that biology degree comes in real handy!). I live with my two Siberian huskies which are both 16! I go walking with my dogs everyday, and I love skiing in winter, and mtn. biking in summer. At night, I can be a home body, mainly because I'm usually doing some kind of woodworking in my spare time. I also like to watch movies, make a good dinner, play music, play guitar, read, play games, or just hang out with friends and talk. I like to listen to all kinds of music but mainly rock, and I'm really only not big on country, or "gangsta rap", although I even like a select few from those genres! I like to read, though lately I've been listening to a lot of audio books, which allows you to do something else while you "read". I do still like to go out, especially for good food, and good conversation, to see live music, or a sporting event. I would say I like sports, but prefer doing them. Otherwise, I'm not a huge sports fan, although I do like to watch certain events on TV, but it's rare that I "have to" watch something, and that includes other shows (thus no dvr). When I watch TV it's usually a movie, a comedy show, a science/nature/history show, or a fix-it show like "Overhualin" - I like cars and know how to work on them. My strong, encouraging personality seems to put me in a supportive role to many of the people around me. I'm very loyal, trustworthy, and have been told I'm attractive, and have a lot of charisma. I'm usually very confident, but I can also be very shy, especially around crowds of strangers, or someone I'm really attracted to. I strive for balance between work and play, but sometime I worry that I end up having more fun then I should! I would say I'm fairly comfortable with myself, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually, but I still like new challenges and growth. I've been going to school for "fine woodworking" and I'm very passionate about it, and I spend a lot of my free time working on my wood projects.
I express myself pretty well, and like a woman that knows, and can express her feelings. I'm looking for a fun woman that is strong emotionally, and mentally, but also one that is kind and generous. I really value honesty, even if the truth hurts sometimes. Physically, I'm a young 43, and I'm looking for someone that also loves exercise and outdoor activities. I love laughing and making others laugh, and am looking for the same... I've realized the most important way I would like to be described, and the things I'm looking for the most, can be summed up in 2 similar words - passionate and compassionate!
About winks... I don't wink indiscriminately, and if I do wink it means I've read your profile, and am truly interested in you. I just think there are better things to do with my time than write emails to people that aren't interested in me. If you are interested, wink back and I will most definitely write you!

Date a man from United States. To help me get started on this new adventure of online dating, I asked my best female friend to offer a few words to describe me. She emailed: "sexy, CONFIDENT, charming, genuine, fun, sexy, compassionate, driven, sexy, amazing father, admired leader". Then I had to ask her to send some photos of me since I am typically behind the camera taking photos of my children. It just occurred to me that my male friends don't carry cameras when we hang out-this is just another reason as to why I appreciate women!
Although I enjoy spending my free time with my wonderful friends, such as those mentioned above, I am ready to start the search for that special someone to share my life with—will I find her online? Like all things in my life, I approach this with excitement and optimism.
About me.
I am an active father and my two beautiful children will always come first in my life. I’ve been on my career path for 17 years and it’s rewarding, challenging, inspiring, but most importantly, it’s fulfilling. I’m a reliable guy and live by the old fashioned values that you are only as good as your word. I will always find the positive in any situation and a solution to every problem. I have a silly-fun side which keeps me young! I believe it takes open, honest communication to make all relationships work. I am extremely confident, but not cocky. I’ve always been driven to be the best at what I do, whether it be sports, business, or being a passionate lover.
Who I am searching for.
Essentially, I’m looking for my female equal. I believe chemistry is the key. I’m attracted to beautiful, vibrant, fit, active, fun loving, passionate, spiritual, and confident women. I want a woman that enjoys her career and has found inner happiness in everyday life. She needs to appreciate being pampered, because I very much enjoy sharing my romantic side.
If you are looking for a chase, a game player, etc. I’m not your guy. I’m genuine. If there is a spark for both of us, let’s be honest with each other about our feelings and move forward.
Well, that’s enough for now; if there is a connection, we can save the rest to share over a drink.

Meet someone special from United States. I am a confident person very down to earh real person senaitive and passionate generous almost to a fault and my mat h would be a compassionate very senual woman with a. ig heart whi would love to hangout and appreciate the simple things in life I love to laugh a d have a great sense of humor

Date a soulmate from Parker, United States. Thanks for taking a look at my profile. I’m excited to make some new friends, and hoping to find an amazing person to share life and grow old with.
When people ask me to describe myself, I usually start out by saying I’m an engineer. My education and career have been focused on being great at what I do, and I take pride in what I’ve been able to accomplish.
My faith is also key part of who I am. I’m committed to pursuing a relationship with Christ, being an active part of a church, and growing in my faith.
Those who know me well would describe me as down to earth, generous, and someone who enjoys a good laugh even if it’s at my expense. For fun, I enjoy sports and exercise, hiking, going for a drive on a beautiful Colorado evening, and spending time with my dog Maggie.
The person I’m looking for has a strong commitment to her faith and is involved in her church. She’s down to earth, and enjoys exercising. She’s a committed friend, and has a compassionate heart. She enjoys traveling, art, and the occasional sporting event. She’s intelligent and good at expressing herself.
If this sounds like you, I can’t wait to meet you.

Meet single man from Parker, United States. Respect, integrity, honesty and compassion are what I live by. If I respect you by having the integrity to be honest and delivery it with a compassionate tongue then I shall receive it in return.
I'm ready after a self inflicted committed break to rediscover.
Things I love:
Beeping from my coffee pot first thing in the morning. The sound of my golden sniffing me while I pretend to be sleeping. Trying to hear the sound of snowflakes falling. Listening as siblings make each other laugh hysterically. The feel of warm new jeans fresh out of the dryer. Knowing life is short but seeing it pass slowly once again like a classroom clock as a kid. Pride from a stranger catching you doing a good deed. The idea that even with the expectations we place upon each other, we can still fall uncontrollably head over heels like that very first time. I like this idea very much so. So much so I risk everything for that possibility, even when experience dictates otherwise. “I will not lead by my protective deviation; I will walk towards the pull of my compass stepping not blindly but knowingly.”
I'm searching like everyone else for someone to share life with but not to fill a void. I can sit next to anyone in any space but I want to occupy it, while she holds my hand. :)
(not a subscriber yet, soon)

Date a man from Parker, United States. I love to help people....I think sometimes I can drive people crazy with it, stopping on a roadside to help someone in need of changing a tire, ect...I guess all in all I really try my hardest to live my life the way Christ did, I ould never be that perfect but I think its a good model. With that being said.....
I love to laugh! My mom is 81 and she is in perfect health because she laughs...everyday...and Im good at making her laugh! One time I made her laugh so hard she pee'd her pants! ok I guess thats a little TMI !
I guess Im in favour of the underdog, meaning, I always rout for the team that will lose, I love to show up at childrens hospital for an afternoon with my fireman gear, and read stories to kids that arent going to probably see the age of 10.
I pride myself on being a gentleman, and I take an old fashioned approach to being in a relationship. I'm the guy that will open the car door for you, stand up as you meet me in a resturaunt, or maybe just surprise you with your favorite magazine or book along with your favborite coffee. I think that those are just some of the things that get put by the wayside that are really important.
I have a deep respect for the word love. I have had the honor of watching my perants love one another and thier children my whole life and it has been in valuable to me as a man. I will say this about Love though....I dont think that I had a clue of what it meant to Love someone, until I discovered how much Jesus loved me.
I love to hang out with my son...he is a really good guy. Although he is 18 years old and a man, he still finds time to hang out with his DAD! Thats a special thing! He'll be going away to school in the Fall so I wont see him as much which will be kinda different.
I have many Hobbies, I am a woodworker, I absolutley love to do home improvement projects...(Hardwood, getting crazy with tile, building an awesome deck!) ,I love to paint and restore cars, I am a private Pilot and love to take short trips....Like going to Taos to check some Art out for the Day! The list goes on...but these are things that all come after My relationship with God, or People I love....I have learned this the hard way.
Well I can go on and on here but if I do...we wont have anything to talk about over cofee! lol haha!
ok...How about you?
You are hopefully someone that will compliment my relationship with God, and consider your own walk with the Lord to be of the utmost Value. You are a good communicator and arent afraid to point things out you think are wrong. You are somewhat independant, and can handle me being away for 24 hrs because of my job.(You can hold down the fort!). You love to volunteer and helping people is important to you. You are confident of yourself, and are secure with who you are. You are attractive and take care of yourself, but you are even more beautiful on the inside. You like to work with your partner instead of against and you know the value of a good man. You love to laugh and you are someone who loves to be the apple of my eye!

Meet someone special from Parker, United States. I am a dynamic figure, often seen scaling walls and crushing ice. I have been known to remodel train stations on my lunch breaks, making them more efficient, in the area of heat retention. I translate ethnic slurs for Cuban refuges, I write award-winning operas, I manage time efficiently. Occasionally, I tread water for three days in a row. I woo women with my sensuous and godlike trombone playing, nd I cook Thirty-Minute Brownies in twenty minutes. I am an expert in stucco, a veteran in love, and an outlaw in Peru. Using only a hoe and a large glass of water, I once single-handedly defended a small village in the Amazon Basin from a horde of ferocious army ants. I enjoy urban hang gliding. I am an abstract artist, a concrete analyst, and a ruthless bookie. Critics worldwide swoon over my original line of corduroy eveningwear. I have been caller number nine and have won the weekend passes. I bat .400. My deft floral arrangements have earned me fame in international botany circles. Children trust me. I once read Paradise Lost, Moby Dick, and David Copperfield in one day and still had time to refurbish an entire dining room that evening. I know the exact location of every food item in the supermarket. I have performed several covert operations for the CIA. While on-vacation in Canada, I successfully negotiated with a group of terrorists who had seized a small bakery. The laws of physics do not apply to me. I balance, I weave, I dodge, I frolic, and my bills are all paid. On weekends, to let off steam, I participate in full-contact origami. Years ago I discovered the meaning of life but forgot to write it down. I have made extraordinary four course meals using only a mouli and a toaster oven. I breed prizewinning clams. I have won bullfights in San Juan, cliff-diving competitions in Sri Lanka, and spelling bees at the Kremlin. I have played Hamlet, I' have performed open-heart surgery, and I have spoken with Elvis.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I am looking for someone that Is like me, I live In Colorado and Im really looking for somebody. She should be very friendly. Im a very friendly person.
I would love to meet a women and go on a trip.