Date men from United States / Arizona / Miracle Valley, 55 year old

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. Might as well get this out front from the start. Politically I am a conservative, so if you are a liberal, it will be a non-starter. "Nuf" said.
I am a Life Member of the NRA. I love gun shows and shooting, target shooting that is. I like restoring antique wood furniture and cars. Driving around in a '57 Chevy convertible is heaven. And I love getting off the beaten path. Not a hunter or fisherman, but wouldn't mind tagging along for a fishing weekend. Did a lot of camping and got off many a beaten path while in the Army. If you're not the sort that can stand washing in a stream or a make shift shower once in a while, I'm not your cup of tea.
I'm not small. At 6' 4" and 210 I fit the profile of a former football player which I was and I have all the hobbling injuries to prove it. I am still athletic and look it, but there won't be anymore football,basketball or any other team sports unless it's doubles tennis. And I'm considered handsome, good looking and have been called a hunk.
I am not a gourmet chef,but i do know my way around a kitchen. PB & J sandwiches are my specialty. Just kidding Ordering a pizza is.
My humor is old school "Who's on First?", All In the Family, Taxi, Blue Collar Comedy Tour. The stuff that passes for comedy today makes me sick.
I'm looking for a female me just not 6-4 and 210