Date men from United States / Arizona / McNeal, 54 year old

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. Retired USAF, retired teacher, working again as a college administrator. I own my home and vehicles. If I pay 1 cent interest on a credit card, I'm angry.
I play softball for fun. I like hiking, my last big hike was Old Baldy from Madera Canyon.
Father of 10 children, 2 in college live at home (soon it will be only 1). I graduated from Southern Illinois University when I was 38. Finished my masters degree a few years later.
I like honest communication, no games (unless we both know we are playing). I've been to all 50 states, I like traveling. I also like just kicking back at home. Not into the bar scene. I am a working class guy that got some education.
I plan for the future, but can be spontaneous too. I live in the country on 10 acres (not a ranch). I like much of the cowboy philosophy, but all day on a horse would be punishment.
I love hiking in the high country. Yosemite is one of my favorite places on Earth, but there is often too many people there. One of my goals is to hike into Havasupai Falls. I want to visit all National Parks in the Western USA (including Alaska and Hawaii. Maui is awesome, I snorkeled almost everyday for 2 weeks there.
I want someone to share with. Share my love, share God's love, share the beauty of our country. I am as Christian as you can get, but I am not religious. I do not attend church regularly. I enjoy bible study, but not being preached to. I want to be able to disagree. Freedom is important to me. People should be free to worship who they want or nothing at all. I believe in moderation in all things.
I am an American, no hyphen. I believe that race is insignificant, character is important.
My favorite title is "Grandpa". If I had known that grandkids were so much fun, I would have had them before having kids.