Date men from United States / Arizona / Laveen, 38 year old

Date a man from Arizona, United States. World traveler with a flair for humor, love different cultures, foods and experiences. Literature is very important to me; as is the pursuit of knowledge.
I love to travel and that philosophy has kept me learning and moving my whole life. I love new foods and can cook somewhat well, pretty good at massage, and yes I know how to iron and sew (I know that's odd, but my mother taught her children well). My dog (Sammi) has been with me through many adventures and is my best friend, and yes he occasionally jumps up in the bed and sleeps with me. His daughter (Freya) just likes to sleep on the couch.
I like action movies, historical and Indie films, black and whites are great if its a dark and stormy night....
Love to read, especially history, science fiction and philosophy. I like nice clothes but get by on jeans and t-shirts, know how to ride a horse and grew up with a kennel of dogs.
I've been a butcher, a soldier, a policeman, an EMT, a cook and numerous other odd part time jobs. I love to learn and try new things, so ....... don't be shy about offering to teach me something I don't know. (pilot instructors and kayakers to the front please!!)
All in all, I'm hoping to find someone close to the above, someone like me who is spontaneous, literate and likes adventure.