Date someone special from Arizona, United States. I believe that life is an adventure that can take us to many different places and thoughts for enjoyment. When you add that to a stable family
experience and enjoy it, life is fun and exciting
No matter the age, the future is still what you plan and develop for yourself.
Meet a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Someone who would share similar interests and life style. Likes new challenges and opportunities to learn. Has an open mind about life and what it can bring to us. Particularly enjoy interesting and fun personalities. I love the mountains and weather of Tucson and would like someone to share this special place with.
I took a pocket sketching/watercolor 3-day workshop, first experience w/watercolors, &; it was fun! I usually do pastel(chalk) art when I do it,which should be more often! Although I just sold 3 pieces in our local art show here! Now I'm motivated to paint again! I have become quite passionate about travel in the past decade! However, the flying part is not fun anymore! I took a 3 week trip to So. Africa in April...loved the beautiful country, it's people, art,animals,etc. Many animals were seen on our jeep safari's! Took the cable car to the top of Table Mountain in Cape Town, there are walking trails up there, the views of town & the Indian ocean were spectacular!
Have fun, interesting friends here & tend to keep very busy, too many interests I guess! I was a professional , career person in the retail field. Didn't have the time to pursue many of my interests then. Well, if you think we might enjoy one another's company perhaps we could meet for coffee sometime!
Oh yes, my friends & I love good movies & going out for dinner someplace fun after! And now that Fall is finally arriving we'll attend Art
Festivals, drove to Patagonia for one recently!
Was great to revisit France in Sept. Paris & a riverboat trip down the RHONE river, ending in Nice for 3 days. Weather was great for Provence!
I do take art classes & workshops occasionally...also take other classes just to learn about a subject I'm interested in. Lot's to do in this town! Life is good!