Date someone special from Arizona, United States. ,Hi, is anyone else out there thinking of doing a rain dance to hurry the monsoons along? Uncommonly hot and miserable right now out there! Ok this just in, it is raining~~~
For those who can read so far down the page: I have a teenage son, he lives with me, I like that, he is a promising wrestler, liking the inside of gyms is a plus. He's not gonna go away except eventually to college :)
Quickly about me: I like being outside bumming around more than being stuck inside. Well unless the mercury tops 90, then I am hunting for the shade in a hurry. I'd like to meet someone close to my age that is also looking for a long term relationship. I dont have a special type of person in mind; but I would hope them to be active, cheerful, and responsible. Hopefully that is not too much to ask for :). l am not looking for a penpal or long distance relationship, just a regular guy looking for the same.
I think I would be a better match for someone who also likes to be active/sporty. I guess I am smart enough, perhaps not purely intellectual though. I like hands on learning. If any of this sounds interesting to you I would look forward to hearing from you.
A fast disclaimer: I am not your precious, your angel, your sweetheart, not yet anyway. I think it is scammy/rude to address someone that way when you dont know them. Be polite. I really mean it about no smoking.
There are many times that it crosses my mind that this whole site is a somewhat poorly designed research project meant to evaluate something that has nothing to do with relationships; perhaps the hypothesis has to do with spending habits of designated age groups? So we are all guinea pigs....Anyone else want to take a shot at it?
FAQ: the sailboat is a 26ft American Mariner, she lives in San Diego, I dont get to visit her nearly as often as I would like, but it is always a good trip when it happens :) For all those who say they love the beach etc, me too when the opportunity presents itself. But remember we live in a desert in AZ.......