Date men from United States / Alaska / Whittier, 30 year old

Date a man from Whittier, United States. Rather than write a long boring paragraph and risk sounding like everyone else, I thought I'd put some main points about myself and who I'm searching for:
1. My life plan is to experience everything I can, learn everything I can, see everything I can, and eat/drink everything I can. Life is too short to be doing the same things over and over again. There's a whole world waiting to be discovered! (If it were up to me I'd never do the same thing twice.) People think it's funny that I try a new restaurant every time I eat out. How can I not? There are so many just waiting there!
2. I'm punctual! This is one of those traits that I want my partner to have as well. It does a couple no good if only one person keeps good track of time, don't you think? (And I also think flakiness is the one of the worst traits you can have. I just don't get how people can do that?!)
3. I read a lot. I only read non-fiction and love to discuss and debate deep subjects. If you don't like being intellectually challenged, I'm not your type. (I also like talking about stupid things for comic relief, just no celebrity gossip please!)
4. Unfortunately, my brain picks up most grammar and spelling errors everywhere I look. I do my best to not let that form a judgment about a person (since I may also be commiting them), but the one I just can't overlook is when people add an apostrophe for plural words (ex: chance's are that...). Please don't be one of those perpetrators!!
5. I'm a very careful reader of profiles. I think they say more than their writers realize. However, most of them say the same things: "I love to laugh", "I'm looking for my partner in crime", "My friends would describe me as (insert all the greatest adjectives you can think of here)", "Here's the list of the 50 countries I've been to", "I just read Hunger Games", "I like to go out, but I also like to spend the occasional night in with a movie". I enjoy looking for the few profiles that are different. Bless those of you that stand out! You make the world a better place.
6. I have one automatic deal-breaker: tattoos. It doesn't matter where or the size of it. I don't have any and I don't want someone with any.
7. I'm the last guy who, when asked what we should do today, would answer "I don't know - what do YOU want to do?" I have a mental list of a million things to try and am never at a loss for ideas. And I actually go do them.
8. I find dorkiness, clumsiness, and being an easy target to pick on very endearing and adorable. (I usually find these traits in women involved in careers where they help people, like counselors, therapists, social workers, teachers, and non-profit employees.)
9. For me, the right woman has taken the time to really get to know herself, is constantly developing herself, and is always true to herself. She also knows she's here on Earth to make it a better place, even if it's in a small way.
10. If there's one thing I've learned about the dating world, it's that nothing matters more than character. I'm looking for that special gem of a woman who exhibits maturity, wisdom, optimism, and self-love/respect. She should already be happy, like I am. (I'm definitely not looking to make someone feel "complete".)
If any of this resonates with you, and you have an intriguing profile, message me or send a wink!

Meet a soulmate from Whittier, United States. I am...
Shy at times
A good listener
Down to earth
Financially responsible
Somewhat Spontaneous
Have a good heart
A bit nerdy
Decent at cooking and cleaning
I do not…
Become clingy
Pretend to be macho
Use slang words
Like those who are mean-spirited
Like someone undependable
Like infidelity
Like pessimism
Like someone judgmental
Like someone depressed
Take too many people seriously
Like people that litter
Smoke cigarettes or do drugs
Like dishonesty
Like people that are too busy
Like drama
Like people that are ghetto
Like people that are lazy
I do…
Have a career
Have a car
Like vacations or weekend trips as often as possible.
Have moral integrity
Dress well and drive a nice car
Respect your space and boundaries
Have manners and good hygiene
Admit when I am wrong
Stand up for what I believe in
Like action movies
Keep my word
Like to listen to you and see how your day went
Drink occasionally and know my limits
Go out with friends
Very rarely curse
Like going to theaters and live performances
Like living an active healthier lifestyle

Date someone special from Whittier, United States. What’s a nice guy have to do to find a good girl in this city? I wake up everyday and am very thankful for what I have. Good things in life don’t come with out a lot of hard work! I am the nice guy you see in the back of the line all the time. Please help me get to the front of the line!
I am originally from the East Cost (Florida) and moved to Los Angeles 9 years ago to further my career. I am a driven person with very high goals in life and have reached many of them already. I own a couple of businesses and have an MBA degree in business. I enjoy having fun by taking advantage of what the city has to offer from night life such as dancing, bars, restaurants, museums, hiking, and special events that are always going on in the city. I love going to live sporting events, I try to make it to them a couple times a month. I work out and trying to stay healthy as this is important to me and also should be for the person that I am dating. I have a personally that is very easy to get along with and have never really been on a bad date. I can always make the best of any situation. Everything in life is what you make it I believe.
I would say I’m most attracted to people that are warm and fun with a great personality. I am manly attracted to Latina's, but am open. As always looks are also important but I think personalities is the most important. I am just looking for someone to share my time with and have fun nights out on the town with. I love to go wine tasting. Red wines i would have to say are my favorite. Although i don't mind white wines from time to time with the right foods. I have a soft spot for tequila also. I would like to find someone that likes wines and is open to trying new foods. Someone that is opened minded and has good communication skills. Being emotional stables is important also.
I am looking for someone that is spontaneous. That doesn't mind getting dressed up and heading out to a nice dinner. Or is down to head to east la for some tacos and beer. I just finished a 10 month remodel on historical house that i purchase. Don't let the business clothes fool you, I am quite handy. Now that that is finished i am looking to start traveling again. The unfortunate thing is i need someone to travel with. So you must like to travel to new places! Someone to settle down with and start a lasting relationship with. Let me know if you are out there?

Meet single man from Whittier, United States. im fun outgoing .. i love helping people .i have many hobbies , i love working on cars when i have free time , also being out doors , i love water being around nature is the best for me . but the best part is spending time w my daughter who is five yrs old . take trips out , and just have lots of fun .

Date a man from Alaska, United States. Very loving caring individual to share with someone who appreciates the small but meaningfully things in life that causes pain, laughter, tears and everything else that makes us those stay at home nights with a comedy romance , Pizza ,and red wine. Love summer time at the beach or at the county fairs.