Date women from United States / Alaska / Thorne Bay, 19 year old

Date someone special from Thorne Bay, United States. Well to start off... I love God, children, animals, singing, music, theater, swimming, dancing, art, writing, herbology, volleyball, shot-put, traveling, reading romance and mystery novels, my friends and family... Just to name a few things haha. I currently live in a tiny town in southeast Alaska (Don't worry if you don't know where that is cause nobody does lol) But before that I lived in Nampa Idaho. I come from a big, loud, crazy family that I love dearly. I love trying new things but I can be a total chicken! ( Scary movies are so not my thing haha ) I am honest but sweet, I am one of the most loyal and protective people you will ever meet, and I'm passionate about what I love :) I am often called the mother hen as I have a tendency to take care of everybody lol Oh and I can be pretty random haha
What I'm looking for in a guy is pretty basic actually lol, Really nice, likes kids and animals, laid back and cool with a random change of plans... Ok confession I love physically fit nerds haha But when it comes down to it I'll love you no matter what you look like.
Oh and FYI I've had my share of creepers and stalkers I'm so done with all that! Come guys please tell me not all of you are crazy! So... If your gonna be weird and call me cute right off the bat than go somewhere else...