Date women from United States / Alaska / Sand Point, 30 year old

Date a woman from United States. Just a small commercial fishing-town girl ready to find someone. I am 27 years old with a two year old son and I am ready to find the "one." The reason I came to this site is when you come from a town of 1000 people, sometimes its hard to find someone who isn't already taken or just someone new. I have pretty much lived here all my life, with the exception of a few years of college and a few more of moving around trying to find a place that suits me. And even though I may be a small town girl, I have experienced more things and places in life than most. I am actually at the point in my life that I am ready to move from here and go back to school, meet someone and start new. I like to be outdoors, by the water, in boat, on the beach, on a trail in the mountains. I love music......any and all kinds, especially classic rock and country, although my all time favorite is Jack Johnson. I am a single mother. My son is my number one priority in life, no matter what. He amazes me more and more each day and I could not ask for more.