Date women from United States / Alaska / Palmer, 61 year old

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. My kids are raised, and grandkids live far away. I'd like to meet someone local who is close to retiring who likes to fish and enjoy the great Alaska outdoors. Golf would be a plus. I live in palmer and work in wasilla. I love to cook and bake. Chardonnay is my favorite drink. Have a goofy 5 yr old chocolate lab who is my constant companion. Pretty happy, healthy, and the vote's still out on wise. Ready to retire at any time, if I only could buy health insurance at a reasonable rate. Self employed. Lost a close brother to prostate cancer late last year, so now life seems short, tho I have a 90 year old aunt. Who knows? Very monogomous - haven't dated very much, so probably won't be very good at it.