Date men from United States / Alaska / Metlakatla, 32 year old

Date someone special from Alaska, United States. My name is William I live on a island in southeast Alaska. My tribes I being to are Tlingit and Yup'Ik I was born and raised here. My clan I belong to is killerwhale. I love to cook. Family is very important to me I think if I had to say I like about me would be my dimples.. :) I work hard and love to volunteer my time with the git lax lik'taa dance group the name mean people of the island.
It's a k-12 grade group. my culture is very important to me and love to live off the land. Fish berries cockles gumboots shrimp well any kind of seafood. I've learned everything I know from my grandmother who taught me a lot of things. I lived with her for 15 yrs. Until she passed a few years ago. I love walking all over the island and beaches also going camping anything outdoors. At night I love to star gaze but I do enjoy a great movie. The best show ever made with out a doubt would be BiG Love on hbo I love that show.
I would like to find someone who I could talk to to have a relationship that would last for eternity. Someone who isn't judgmental, kind, compassionate, who wants to cook together, and know that I would be loyal, honest, and who would love to walk all over together. Theirs more but its a little late
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